Thursday 25 August 2016


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0020

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this adorable dungeon crawler by Quantum Soft.

It has tiny and basic graphics and it's just full of charm. Each level is a small single screen top down labyrinth and your character moves around very slowly but it's still fun to explore and check what all the other little objects do.

Some of these objects are enemies, some are replenishing stations which you'll need constantly, some are items and treasures and some are portals to move between floors.

I played through the whole game a few months ago to the end and playing a bit of it again now reminds me of the nice time I had. There's a definite ending to this game and reaching it is satisfying. You've got 8 pieces of spell boxes to collect and sort and you have to keep an eye on your stamina and think about your path to the end and back again. The timer counts up in this game so that can be good to challenge your best time.

On top of that this game has a lovely sense of humour! The text box on the right calls out to you when you're idling in the game and it goes "Yum!" when you go to a replenishing item. The "Slurp" sound effect is lovely too when you drink some water. At the game over screen it lets you press buttons for random silly noises and it even has a fake program quit screen. Some very clever stuff in here!

I just went through a complete game and it took me about 20 minutes. That's probably my best time. The game doesn't take too long as there are only 10 floors. Lots of fun though and has a nice sense of adventure :)

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