Sunday 28 August 2016


Dear Readers,

Nerrick was pretty happy to get the Nitro Powder. He used it to blow a hole in the tunnel, which made an opening from the Aldean Sea to the outer ocean. Horizons are really broadening now!

After gathering more treasures with the Mystic Key, we went back to the ship and sailed out of the newly made opening. Right outside this area was a whirlpool so we went to visit. It was another of those locked dungeons like the one near Cornelia. This one was the Lifespring Grotto, and had a shy mermaid greeting us. "Eek! Humans!" she said before she calmed down and told us what the place was all about. We'll come back later.

Sailing further, we stopped at Melmond. Some nice spells to buy here, including Life and Teleport, which should both come in very handy. Mingling around, we learned about the general area outside of this town and what to do. There's a vampire that's making the land decay in the cave on the peninsula to the south. In the cave to the west, there's a giant blocking the way, saying we shall not pass. He wants something to eat.

After some preparations, we head to the cave in the south.

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