Monday 15 August 2016


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0012

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this adventure game written by Doreen Bardon in 1998 for Miracle Software and programmed by Karvic.

The game starts mysteriously with almost being run off the road by motorcyclists and then discovering roads I haven't seen before. I followed them and they eventually led to a castle. I like the way this game always tells you where the exits are.

I went in to the castle and met the king, who was in need of a hero to recover his crown and jewels and rescue his imprisoned daughter from an evil witch. Sorania is the name of this princess. When I agreed to be the hero, the king just left without saying anything for some reason. I went back to exploring.

I explored one of the towers to the northwest and found a ladder and some tools. I then went to the stable in the northeast and found little else but hay. In the southeast is a well and in the southwest is the other tower, which is empty apart from a trapdoor I couldn't open. Finally, the east led to the kitchen, which just had a table and shelves. When I tried to leave the castle I wasn't able to open the door.

Shortly after this I decided to quit. 51 turns and a score of 0 points out of a possible 170. Maybe I'll come back to be Sorania's hero if I can figure out what to do.

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