Friday 12 August 2016


Dear Readers,

I hadn't opened up this visual novel in a while! I guess I was preoccupied with Sonic Dash before I eventually deleted it.

So I'm in the meeting with all of the others for a while before making an escape. Claire escapes too and later catches up with me. She was all shy around the others but she's not that way with me at all. She wanted to walk me home and knew the way because she has some kind of obsession with me. When I ask her about it in a roundabout way she says people can do what they want. I asked her about a package that was on its way to me and she claimed to know nothing about it.

The next morning I'm in the class with Ausse. He's very put out because of his "lover of all women" persona suddenly became challenged with Claire, someone who appears underage but is actually the same age as us. We had a chat about it and it leads to the topic about his standards when it comes to women. No matter how many potential flaws about women I can throw at him he keeps seeing a way to love the woman in that particular scenario. This banter is actually quite funny and it's nice hanging out like this. Ziva then comes in and jumps in on the conversation. This leads to me play fighting with her. The substitute teacher then shows up after getting the wrong idea from Ziva's screams. Oh well!

Later on, I went to the place where Luce and I now hang out together. I waited a long time for her but she wasn't showing up... I became worried and wandered around the abandoned building. I came to the piano room and was just about to play when she showed up, throwing her usual insults at me like as if it was a regular meeting between us. Pretty typical!

I was glad she showed up though... I was getting worried.

We hung out for a bit longer in the building and the second part of my written story followed.

It's where the wolf was still chasing the sun and met a snake who wanted to make friends with him but he was too cold and uninterested. She was disappointed when he left and he eventually gave up in defeat in his journey and laid down in the sand to die. Then, the moon came out and saved him. Then he raised his head and howled at the moon. It's quite a nice story to read in full!

It was a nice time hanging out with Luce as well, despite the insults. These characters aren't too bad after all!

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