Saturday 6 August 2016


Dear Readers,

On a whim I downloaded this app by Jacked Studios from the Play store. It loads nice and fast and has 5 games: Ping Pong, a version of Pong; Aliens, a version of Space Invaders; Snake, a standard version of Snake; Block Breaker, a version of Arkanoid or Breakout; and Meteors, a version of Asteroids. I really like it! One of the things I like so much about it is that it's white objects on a black background, so I can play it on a dark Winter's day without adjusting the brightness. The text is nice and big and everything has a no nonsense basic approach.

I tried a few of the games but mostly played Aliens. It's easier than standard Space Invaders but it's still fun to play. The buttons jam sometimes but it doesn't spoil things too much. I like that I don't have to keep tapping to shoot. As you advance the aliens start closer and closer until they go back to the top. I suppose this is what you'd call the loop. But yeah it is moreish to just keep going. My highest score so far is 29,850.

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