Wednesday 17 August 2016


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0014

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this text adventure game. I couldn't figure out what the second letter of the "story" command was until I checked the word again. It's in a stylised font that made me think the 'T' looked like an ampersand for a moment.

The backstory seems like this game is a sequel to another text adventure. On my way back I'm on a ship that got caught in a storm and ended up on a small boat floating out in the middle of nowhere. I asked for help and a figure appeared to drop a scroll before disappearing again. That was kind of cute. Kind of like a Zelda helper like Navi or something :) The scroll offered some tips but not much else.

I typed for help again and got a nicer list of instructions, plus the option to change the typeface to something more normal by typing SET 2. This helped a lot! So this game was made by Moonstone in 1993 and the Zenobi team helped out too. There are some weird commands like MORJAN, which gives the company's address but the list is comprehensive and very helpful.

Not much here to do in the middle of the sea so I looked around and found a large tyre in the water. I eventually managed to access the contents of the chest by saying GET CHEST. I couldn't OPEN it so it took me a while to figure out how to get inside it. There was stuff inside like a snuff box, hard tack, flask of water and a knife. I had to look up what tack was and found that it was some kind of bread made in olden times. I'm learning something new all the time...

Also I just had to take the opportunity to say "GET YE FLASK", which I remember from Homestar Runner. It actually worked!

I couldn't figure out anything else. I ate the hard tack bread, drank the water and tried the snuff as well. That was it really. I decided to quit there with a score of 5 out of 200. After over a 100 turns I couldn't figure out what to do while on a small boat in the middle of the sea. Just had a nice snack!

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