Saturday 27 August 2016


Dear Readers,

Ausse didn't mind losing strip poker because he was happy to show of his body to the girls. I wasn't as keen though, especially since part of the deal meant us jumping into the pool with the stormy weather outside. I didn't have any swimwear since it was a surprise party, and all Ausse had were Speedos.

The visual novel didn't show anything graphic.

After the ordeal, Ausse and I were shivering to death, while the girls towelled themselves because our splashes got them a little bit. Lots of banter followed!

Later on, the weather calmed down and we went out by the pool. There was a lovely atmosphere with the lights and everything. I was chatting for a good bit with Luce and it was building up to a kiss, but my character did a bait and switch kind of thing and went to throw her in the pool instead. She caught a hold of me on her way in!

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