Tuesday 23 August 2016


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0017

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about my session with this text adventure game. I start out on a bus, on my way to meet Trev and Carol at the Microsoftware Club. I get off the bus and head towards someone's house. Seems straightforward so far!

The house is described pleasantly. That is until I ring the doorbell and the door opens by itself, which is eerie. I head inside. At this point I was hoping it was the right house...

I come across a tape and soon, a Spectrum, which is spelled out with nice colourful letters. The rest of the game is black and white. I can't use the tape for some reason so I continue through the house.

It's quite creepy, wandering through this strange house, going through the kitchen, back yard and garage where the resident's car is. At one point I entered an area that's in "utter darkness" which gave me goosebumps! This game is eerie! I don't know where to go though, so all I can do is wander, even though I don't feel particularly good about going through a strange house.

I backtracked a bit and went into a broom closet where I found a torch. There was also a crowbar along the way, but I ignored that for now. Then I went into the Front Room, where my main character expressed their fondness for the room's interior decoration. "I love the wallpaper." they said, before describing it in great detail. This is pretty jarring as this is the most detail I've come across in the game so far! I couldn't do anything with the television, so I left.

I went into the reception room. I couldn't do anything with the bottle I found here so I left.

I then went upstairs to the landing. The creepiness continued when it said that one of the directions was very dark, so I went the other way.

This was the creepiest moment yet! It said that I could see "A VERY ANGRY CAROL". I tried speaking to her.

The game then played a chime and said that Carol threw me out the open window! Absolutely gobsmacking! The game left me there with my final score of 190%, taking 69 turns. I have to try this again!

After more wandering, and trying to use the torch in dark areas and failing, I found myself being killed by Carol twice more, the second time when she caught me in pure darkness. This time the score was 70% after taking 39 turns.

What's Carol's problem anyway? I thought I was invited? Also, where's Trev? So far, this is probably the most engaging and terrifying text adventure I've played yet on the ZX Spectrum Vega.

At least the game tells me to have a nice day when I quit.

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