Friday 19 August 2016


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0016

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about my session with this adventure game. It's got some graphics here and there!

I started out in an office. There's a gun and my boss is here too. This is how they wanted this game to start?! I didn't take the gun and I tried speaking to my boss but couldn't. I just headed out.

I wandered around outside rather aimlessly. This game seems to be a kind of tour of London. There's the Thames and Trafalgar Square, the national gallery...

I headed into the Palace Hotel. There I met a man who wouldn't allow me to go any further unless I was with a resident. Then I left and humorously waded through the River Thames while people looked at me strangely.

Then I went to the mall and through Piccadilly Circus and into a night club, which was noisy, busy and dark. I said "DANCE", but I couldn't :( so I left.

I then found a cinema! Woo! I went inside where it was dark and empty. I said "WATCH MOVIE", but I couldn't :( so I left.

I mentioned earlier that this game has some graphics. Truth is, it only has them in the office and in the bank so far. In all the other places I've visited so far it's just a cyan box.

Oh neat! I went to St. James' Park and they had a little picture of the place! Yay! The hospital had some graphics too.

I went to a warehouse and found some rope. It's the only thing I've found other than the gun at the start of the game, which I didn't pick up.

I just decided to give up at this stage, where I was just walking around in circles.

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