Tuesday 8 November 2016


Dear Readers,

Been a small while but we're back! Mop it up and I continued the villager restoration project by getting a new neighbour for our butcher!

Our play session started off with a bang with a creeper that was hanging outside our house. It blew up the ground near the pumpkin patch, but no other major damage was done. Just had to replace a jack o lantern and some dirt.

Mop it up had the idea of having a farmer to trade our veggies with and it was a good one. I wanted to make the path between the spawner and the railway easier to traverse, so I prepared by making shovels, steps, a golden apple and a splash potion of weakness.

On the way to the spawner I had to shoo a zombie off the railway tracks. How strange, an undead with a death wish.

I removed the jack o lanterns from the spawner and camped out to wait for a zombie villager to spawn. It took forever... In that span of time I had used up a full regular iron sword and got a carrot, a potato and four iron ingots out of drops.

I saw some strange things too, like a baby zombie spawning on top of a chicken that spawned with it.

It took about half an hour, or at least the best part of it until I finally got a zombie villager. The game didn't make it easy, as it spawned along with a regular zombie, so I had to be extra careful.

After all that, I had cured an armourer! Maybe the next one will be a farmer... In any case, I escorted him victoriously back home. The path I made along the beach to the tracks made this a lot easier.

At the brink of night, the villagers run into houses really quickly. If only escorting them around was as easy... I had to build steps to nudge him into the pen with the butcher.

We tried learning more about villagers and Mop it up built some fine houses for them near my little farm. We couldn't get them to breed. I even tried throwing them two full stacks of carrots and slaughtered most of the chickens to trade with the butcher to encourage them. Don't they know butchers and armourers were made for each other?? These ones were, at least!

Between trying various things with the villagers, I went back to the life of farming and fishing. Mop it up made an iron golem and did lots more cave exploring and iron mining. I enchanted a fishing rod: Unbreaking II, Lure II, Luck of the Sea I. All those experience points I earned while slaughtering zombies came in handy. It made the fish bite a lot sooner!

One dark night while I was fishing upstairs, I could hear commotion outside. I looked out the window and saw a skeleton having a fight with the iron golem! The golem was losing because it was stuck in the pen and couldn't reach, so I went out to help.

In the morning, I decided to cure another villager. I prepared another splash potion of weakness and golden apple, made loads of stone swords and headed to the spawner.

With amazing luck, a zombie villager spawned very soon! I put it through the process of curing. Mop it up was rebuilding the track so it lead straight here and this is where my luck reversed... The zombie villager noticed Mop it up and wandered outside into the sun! Argh! Desperate, I pushed it into the water to stop it burning up, but it died soon afterwards anyway... :(

Dang it! Poor Mop it up was only trying to help. On the bright side, building the track here is a fantastic idea for future curing, because maybe then I can lure zombies into the minecart securely before dealing with them. It'll be much more convenient in any case. The future of curing villagers is looking very bright indeed! :)

After this, we had a couple of game freezes and creeper blasts. It was getting late and we had a lot done, so we called it a night.

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