Friday 4 November 2016


Dear Readers,

Chaos Shrine looked a lot more different to us on travelling 2,000 years into the past. It has multiple floors for one thing. On this first floor, there are lots of White Dragons with the troublesome Snowstorm move.

The multiple floors are pretty confusing and huge. Tons of random battles but also lots of levelling up happening! There was one staircase where Rocket had to play the Lute to make it appear.

At one point we found the Masamune, an unbelievably powerful sword that's even stronger than Excalibur! I equipped it on Nova, since I don't have any other sword user. However, everyone was able to equip it for some reason!

One really jarring thing was having to fight through the four fiends again. There was no ceremony to take them on or anything, they just had invisible trigger spots along the dungeon path. Lich wasn't difficult at all; Marilith was a little stubborn but manageable; Kraken KO'd both Joseph and Chris, though I blame my own carelessness for that. Whoops! Tiamat didn't give too much grief either.

Next up... the final boss! The final floor of the game looked well decorated with columns everywhere but arranged in a star like pattern, like it was the scene of a creepy ritual. No random encounters though! Here, in the room in the centre, we met... Garland! He filled us in on what was happening; the time loop, what he was up to... everything. He then took on the form of Chaos and there began the final battle of the game!

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