Friday 11 November 2016


Dear Readers,

On one floor of the extra Hellfire Chasm dungeon, there were many non-player characters walking around. It was so weird! It was like something that came out of Moonside!

These NPCs were there to purposely get in our way. Talking to them made them say all kinds of funny things like "What was I supposed to say? Oh yeah... No entry!" or "Tresspassers will be burninated". It had a sense of fun I normally associate with EarthBound.

It also expresses how annoying NPCs are in towns when they get in your way. I love the way this floor pokes fun at it. :)

Then again it's more like Pokémon than it is EarthBound, due to the shiny spots in place of long grassy spots, but those two games share a similar legacy anyway. Dragon Quest games have this sense of fun too with NPCs. Final Fantasy games typically don't. They're usually much more serious.

This floor however, really brought that sense of fun and made me love this game even more! It was fun to avoid the shining spots with the encounters and chat with everyone. At one stage I had to go into the configuration menu to turn off the auto running, so we wouldn't overshoot an opportunity to pass someone. When we got to the staircase I turned it back on. This floor was a brilliant and original idea! :)

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