Sunday 27 November 2016


Dear Readers,

Somewhere along the way through Lifespring Grotto, we met a mid-dungeon boss. In this case it was the disturbing looking Atomos.

Atomos looks seriously creepy. It's just a big purple demonic mouth with teeth. The way it has its mouth open, it's kind of like a basking shark or something. I guess it makes sense for it to be in this water themed dungeon then. Is its mouth actually a door or a portal to somewhere very unpleasant? In any case, it's friggin' creepy!

We stuck to our usual haste and whack strategy and it was defeated soon enough. We won the Judgement Staff, a very nice drop that grants us free Flares!

We searched around a bit and found another door that lead to a staircase to the next floor.

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