Saturday 5 November 2016


Dear Readers,

The final showdown: Us versus Chaos! In my last playthrough we had some trouble with him, but this time we didn't have nearly as much. Don't get me wrong though, it was still pretty tense and intimidating!

First I had Rocket and Nova use the Giant's Glove for Sabre before just going all out attacking. I had Joseph mainly use Healaga every turn and Chris mainly use Flare.

Joseph's Healaga was great! Using it every single turn meant that Chaos' attacks never made our HP go too low. 

Chris' Flare was pretty much unstoppable.

Sabre made Rocket punch more and did the punching animation four times instead of the standard three at this level. Tons of damage too! Very satisfying! Same idea of increased attack power with Nova.

Chaos did cast Slow on Rocket though, and all that damage doing went down all the way to double digits in numbers. Not good... If I were to do this battle again, I would have Chris learn Haste!

It didn't stop us though. After many turns of dealing damage and healing, Chaos was defeated! Hooray! Compared to my last playthrough, I didn't have to make multiple attempts to defeat him, so that's pretty cool.

Next up came the beautiful epilogue. A humble text crawl set to a gorgeous scene with blue skies, some clouds, rivers, lakes, green fields and forests. Some birds flying by too. Gorgeous gorgeous music too.

The time loop was severed at last!

Hmm... "Crystals" is a proper noun. I'll have to remember that in future with Final Fantasy games.

Check out these awesome lines:

"the true Crystals reside in your heart."

"For you are the warrior who crossed time."

"You are the bringer of light..."

I love these lines from the epilogue so much! It's all about me, the player, who completed this game. Many other games have "...and you!" in the "Special Thanks" section, but these lines above make me feel so good! It's like they're going a step further. They commemorate the player.

In this game it's good to name characters after yourself and friends! You could also play the game on a GameCube with a GB Player and use four controllers to play and have the corresponding player take their turn. Kind of a strange idea but such a nice one to pull off if you could!

It's a lovely way to end the game. More little scenes show up during the credits too.

So that was Final Fantasy. I'm not finished with this game yet though! We'll be going through the extra dungeons and filling up the bestiary as well. This is something I've never done before and I'm looking forward to it!

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