Tuesday 22 November 2016


Dear Readers,

Mop it up as Shy Guy and Chris came to my world to hang out. It had been a while! I continued adding more villagers to our little community.

Mop it up went back to the cave in the south east to dig out more stuff. Chris just stared at the moon for a while, finding it weird. It does kinda look strange but cool in the Super Mario 64 mash-up texture pack.

Thanks to Mop it up we had a lot more gold, which I needed to cure more villagers. I went straight back to the usual spawner in the jungle.

I was absolutely delighted when the first spawn was a zombie villager! What luck! It turned out to be a tool smith. I transported him back and Mop it up made some trades with him for an enchanted diamond pickaxe.

I went back to the spawner again, but wasn't as lucky with the spawns. I was there for quite a while. I also had a bit of trouble with the sun shining in and burning the zombified villager as I was trying to cure it. However, I managed to cure another leatherworker.

Still holding out for a farmer...

Mop it up had to keep making trips back to our home because the mine had so much stuff. Not the worst problem to have :)

We were also running out of storage, so Chris dug out some rooms at home and put more chests in, which was a good call.

I had a mishap when things got out of control at the spawner and I got slain by zombies. I did speed back and collect my stuff no problem though. The only thing that disappeared was the zombie villager I was dealing with at the time... Ah well.

I got back to business and cured a weapon smith. I brought him back to the village. Mop it up traded with him for a diamond sword and axe.

When I got back I saw three villagers in the pen. Not sure why they like going in there, but at night I have to shoo them out so that they'll go into their houses.

I went back to the spawner again and cured a librarian! Very nice! The game froze soon afterwards, but this was after an autosave luckily.

I wasn't actually sure about the autosave at first, so I went back into the game to check and saw the librarian in the thumbnail for my save file. That was handy! Didn't have to load up the world again :)

So yeah, at that stage we called it a night. Brought back a lot of jobs!

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