Tuesday 31 January 2023

285 xenoblade - giving nelo his anti-drink medicine

Dear Readers,

We had to return to Nelo the Nopon to cash in on his quest. We warped and traipsed until we realised he hung out at night. Gah. We changed time and found him. He said something nice about Teelan, which updated the affinity chart.

We had to talk to him again to cash in on his quest. He was happy with the medicine that'll encourage him to drink less. He was happy enough with that.

And we're happy to move on to the next quest. Next!

Monday 30 January 2023

284 xenoblade - hunting cruz paguls for 5 hot pots

Dear Readers,

I decided to focus on "Losing the Taste for Alcohol" quest. We had the first part done and now we had to collect 5 Pagul Hot Pots from Cruz Paguls at Eryth Sea.

I couldn't be bothered looking for them in the game so I looked up a wiki to find out what they were. They were they shelled enemies on the beach where we first arrived.

The wiki was pretty nice! It had a map pointing out where they were and everything! I may just use this liberally from now on.

We hunted them down and beat up what we needed to get the stuff for the quest.

Sunday 29 January 2023

283 xenoblade - actually it was lar'shen who had the back pain

Dear Readers,

We returned to the Imperial Palace, changed the clock to after 6PM and talked to Galdo at the stairs. He thanked us.

I must make a correction and say that it was actually his precious friend Lar'shen who had the back pain. I couldn't tell because everyone in this game has the same soulless appearance.

That's that quest done. Next!

Saturday 28 January 2023

282 xenoblade - beating up the 6 archer hodes

Dear Readers,

We found the Archer Hodes at a place called Showdown Cliff to the northeast of Hovering Reef 1. There were a bunch of them together and we beat them all up handily.

We still had to report back to the guy who gave us the quest, Galdo. We'll do that next time.

I'm just glad it didn't take us all day to find them.

Friday 27 January 2023

281 xenoblade - deciding on galdo's back pain quest

Dear Readers,

I decided to do Galdo's Back Pain quest. For this we had to defeat 6 Archer Hodes at Eryth Sea.

There are hodes all over the place. There's an entire island that's a hode refuge and there are some on the Hovering Reefs. Will try to find some archer ones next time.

Thursday 26 January 2023

280 xenoblade - finding ruthan

Dear Readers,

We had to find Ruthan to cash in on the quest. I looked up his entry on the affinity chart and it said that he wanders around at night in the Imperial Palace. Then I looked over my previous blog entries and it said I met him outside the Imperial Palace! AAAAARGHHH!

Good thing I made a note of it. I would've been looking around for ages in a big empty place for him. That's a common thing that happens in this game though.

He seems like a likeable old inventor dude. Not sure why Shulk wouldn't be interested in his lecture on his invention. Other than that, he looks just like everyone else in this big empty dull city.

We found him and cashed in on the quest. Done. Next!

Wednesday 25 January 2023

279 xenoblade - the deciphering machine quest

Dear Readers,

I decided to concentrate on "The Deciphering Machine" quest. We had to collect 6 pieces of Sturdy Armour from Flavel Andos at Eryth Sea.

I was lucky to vaguely recall Flavel Andos as those floating stationary robots on the hovering reefs. We found them on Hovering reefs 4-7 roughly. Mostly on the early reefs we came across at first.

While exploring the hovering reefs we went to newer ones I hadn't explored yet and found the ether plant thingy with turbine-like machinery.

After we found all the pieces from Flavel Andos we had to go back to Ruthan at the Imperial Palace. I'm going to save that for its own post.

Tuesday 24 January 2023

278 xenoblade - thinking twice about visiting melia in her villa

Dear Readers,

I decided to just go see Melia. Whatever to the quests lol.

We followed the path to Melia's villa. She was happy to see us. She revealed that she was half Homs, half High Entia and that the Emperor takes two wives as a tradition. Kinda weird but whatever. She has a nice garden here alright which is nice for her as she cannot be seen in public without her mask. That's all their tradition here.

Melia then invited us for a banquet. We said yes of course, especially Reyn.

Just then I got a vision that implied the Emperor was going to get hurt by Mechon at Prison Island. I was about to tell Melia my vision when the city got attacked by Mechon!

Dang it anyway... I decided to reset and do some quests in case I can't do them anymore after this scene. Oh well.

Monday 23 January 2023

277 xenoblade - melia's ceremony

Dear Readers,

Another cutscene played out where Alvis showed Sorean some visions that were going to happen. This was a month before the current events.

The following scene was Melia's ceremony. We all looked above to her with fireworks in the sky as she made promises to the people of Alcamoth while wearing a mask. I thought back to what Dunban said about asking me to be friends with her.

The next scene had Lorithia and Alvis discussing me. They were looking at Prison Island.

The next scene had the masked Mechon along with some other machines flying and attacking.

After that, it went back to us in our hotel room/conference room/prison deciding what to do next. We couldn't go to Prison Island straight away. Riki suggested going to see Melia to give her a break from her duties.

I like the way Reyn calls Sorean "Big Wings" haha.

Sunday 22 January 2023

276 xenoblade - my big meeting with sorean

Dear Readers,

I went to the audience chamber alone. I had a big meeting with Sorean.

Sorean said the Bionis will revive and when it does, all life on it will perish, including us. He said the Mechon's attack set everything in motion and the ether is affected and then the Bionis will awaken. Sounds serious.

We discussed the Mechon's attack and I told him we were out to get revenge for what they did to us. I asked him for access to Prison Island and told him about my visions.

He said he'd consider it, which means not now. I said I'd respect that decision. He then asked me to be Melia's friend as a father's request. Of course I will! She'll be a good member of the team.

So all this stuff will end in the Bionis waking up? Sounds catastrophic...

The scene shifted to what sounds like the Mechon discussing plans. They know that I have reached Eryth Sea and they ordered another attack.

More scenes came after this but the story save point came up so I'll end this post and continue next time.

Saturday 21 January 2023

275 xenoblade - discovering the sky terrace

Dear Readers,

That's it for the cashing in on Alcamoth quests, so I'm just gonna go to the next story point, to the audience chamber to meet with the Emperor.

On the way there and next to the warp point I met Kaelin who talked about Lar'shen. A link came up between them with "Different hours" on it. Lar'shen is active between 6pm and 6am.

On the way there we unconvered the Sky Terrace with a heart to heart for Reyn and Melia at some stage.

Then we went towards the place, where we were told only I could go forward. The rest had to stay behind.

Blog post done. Next one is about the cut scene.

Friday 20 January 2023

274 xenoblade - finding kurralth again

Dear Readers,

Now I had to find Kurralth to cash in on his quest.

Found him quickly on the affinity chart, thankfully. He was very close to the centre. He's active between 6am and 6pm.

He's at the Fountain of Eternity or whatever. We went there and got lost trying to find him and then found another quest to do from someone with no name. Whatever. We agreed to it.

We found Kurralth near a stairwell and gave him what we wanted. He rewarded us. Zain was right next to him and gave us another quest. Orthlus Liver on Agora Shore in Colony 9. We agreed to get it for him. We'll have to get access back there again so maybe that'll involve doing story stuff? We'll see. It's timed as well so it doesn't look like having access to Colony 9 again will spoil anything else here but we'll see.

Thursday 19 January 2023

273 xenoblade - finding lecrough

Dear Readers,

Now I have to find Lecrough again. I don't remember who it is so I have to go through the rigmarole of learning his location and schedule.

The affinity chart says his schedule is between 6am and 6pm, and my previous blogs say he is standing next to a staircase in the imperial palace. The affinity chart just says he's in Alcamoth, which is annoying.

I found him next to some stairs and cashed in on the quest. His affinity chart entry updated with a link to Galvin with "Closest Friend" on it.

Blog post done. Next.

Wednesday 18 January 2023

272 xenoblade - reminding myself where merisa was to finish quest

Dear Readers,

We're back in Alcamoth after rescuing Melia. Let's review the quests and cash in on some we have finished.

We found Merisa and cashed in on the quest about finding her son.

In order to do this I had to look back on previous blog entries to find out who Merisa was and where the heck she was. Then I had to find her on the affinity chart which took another while.

I re-learned that Merisa is active during the day between 6am and 6pm and she hangs out around one of the shrub pots in the northern part of the semi circle on 1F of Alcamoth.

We traipsed our way up there, which was pretty far from the nearest warp point and I groaned about not having fun with this game. We found a woman with a red exclamation mark above her head. Otherwise she looked like every other character in the area. She was thankful and gave us something I'll probably never use. 

Her entry updated in the affinity chart with a link between her and her son with a smiley face with the word "worried" next to it.

I'm ending this blog post here. It's just one mission that was done already but I'm already tired and annoyed.

Tuesday 17 January 2023

271 xenoblade - returning to alcamoth after the tomb

Dear Readers,

Back in Alcamoth, Alvis and Melia filled Sorean in on what happened. It turns out there was a group that had extreme opinions that were disbanded and they were the ones who attacked Melia in the tomb.

Sorean assured Melia that she was going to succeed to the throne in a ceremony the next day.

We were back too, in our hotel room/conference room/prison. Dunban wondered about the whole thing, why Melia was chosen and who were the ones that attacked her. Guards came in and told us Sorean wanted to see us. That was the next story based thing to do.

Should we do that or do missions? Not sure exactly but I'll decide later.

Monday 16 January 2023

270 xenoblade - tyrea defeated

Dear Readers,

We beat the mean ol' Tyrea! I switched Melia with Sharla, used shield a lot and got a good few chain attacks in too. I couldn't hurt Tyrea at all but the others were able to.

When defeated, Tyrea ordered the telethia to kill as many as it could. It was about to explode in a bloomy mess when Alvis stepped in and raised his hand, nullifying the explosion. Tyrea and the Telethia were gone.

I explained to Melia how the Monado told me she was in danger and that's why we came here to help. She thanked us.

It was a tough fight with Tyrea alright. I desperately needed those chain attacks. Otherwise I just focused on healing and buffing the others since I couldn't do much otherwise.

Sunday 15 January 2023

269 xenoblade - stalemate with tyrea who isn't very nice

Dear Readers,

Back to the fight with Tyrea and the Telethia. This time I wanted to focus on Tyrea.

I couldn't target her at all! I could only fight the Telethia for some reason. Sometimes I could fight Tyrea but could only do 1HP damage.

After a few more attempts and fails I end up in a stalemate with Shulk and Tyrea and the others are dead. I don't know why that is or how to defeat Tyrea. I'll switch up with characters.

Saturday 14 January 2023

268 xenoblade - joining up with melia to fight tyrea and the telethia

Dear Readers,

We reached Melia, who was fighting with Tyrea, who was calling her a half-breed. Then the Solidum Telethia showed up and we all had to fight them both.

We lost the first attempt but managed to beat the telethia.

Gotta say Tyrea is pretty insulting, calling us filth the whole way through the fight, sounding like Bane in her mask.

Friday 13 January 2023

267 xenoblade - climbing up to a door in the roof

Dear Readers,

I figure that since there are heart-to-hearts in this place, I will be able to come back to it once the story part is over. I'll drive on ahead with the story then.

We spent a while scrapping with idle robots in the corridors until we levelled up.

Then in that weird room with the walls we came across an Orluga Rufus. It was easy to beat.

After that, we had a climbing wall that went up and another that went down. The down one led to an impasse that needed a bridge. The up one led to another Orluga Rufus that was easy to beat.

I got a vision of Dunban saying we got three Rufus Control Units we needed for the Secret Club Card. 

After a couple of more robots, the path continued upwards until we got to a door opening device that opened a door above us. We reached the story point. Trying to remember if this was where we were before or if it was where Melia was before.

Thursday 12 January 2023

266 xenoblade - noticing a corridor to a high entia treasure and boss robot

Dear Readers,

We continued through the corridor and found another landmark called Tower of Trials - Bridge. Also, it's a landmark we can't use right now.

The path continued to a room with more wall climbing, but it was so weird! The climbing path went up, sideways and then down to a lower level to where we were. We'll explore it later, but first, back to that room from before...

...through that previous corridor. Then we noticed that the corridor branched off to a room with a high entia treasure. It had a nasty boss robot guarding it. We tried fighting but ended up having to run away. We'll have to use strategy. It seems like a secret room we'll have to come back to a little later.

But back to that room with the ledges. We explored the rest of the ledges and found another heart to heart point that wasn't available. It was there I saved the game and turned it off. Whew. One thing at a time please.

Wednesday 11 January 2023

265 xenoblade - yes there are quests to do with the high entia tomb

Dear Readers,

We explored more of the room. It was made up of bridges and climbing parts on walls to reach other ledges that had items on them. We explored them.

It was very slow doing this and very boring but we got some items. No idea if they'll be good or not but we collected them anyway because what if we missed out on something? Now I'm bored and annoyed.

One of the ledges had a doorway and another corridor. I wasn't going to as I wanted to explore the room first, but I went down there and defeated two enemies, one of which dropped something that was for an actual quest. I didn't spot it before because it's in the Eryth Sea section of the quest list, which is different from the Alcamoth section. Urgh.

I'm starting to feel overwhelmed and bored again so I'm going to finish this blog post right here. I'll explore more of that room from before and this corridor too.

Tuesday 10 January 2023

264 xenoblade - no fast travel to where we fell from, sparkly thing still in the room

Dear Readers,

From where we fought the big dude there was a landmark called Valley of Emperors and a sparkly ball above us that continued to sparkle after we beat him. We couldn't do any warping.

I guess we couldn't do any warping because we fell and the idea is we have to make our way out of here because that's to do with the story and so I suppose that means I have to suspend my disbelief on the fast travel thing. OK! Fine! I will!

You know what? This is another blog post done. I'll explore this weird room next time.

Monday 9 January 2023

263 xenoblade - checking missions to see if i'm missing anything in the high entia tomb

Dear Readers,

From looking at the missions/quests, it looks like there aren't any to do with enemies in the tomb/training place thingy. I looked at some past blog posts too and there doesn't seem to be anything in this place I'd miss if I progressed with the story, though I don't know that for sure right now.

I also vaguely remember having fun in this place as opposed to anywhere else in this area, Eryth Sea.

Hopefully I can start having fun with this game again. 

Sunday 8 January 2023

262 xenoblade - climbing along a wall in a room to beat up some big dude i dunno whatever

Dear Readers,

It's been a big gap in updates so I have to get used to this game again. Honestly I want to throw it out the window and play something else.

Okay then um... so we are in the tomb of the high entia where whatsherface... Melia is doing her training thingy and we got into a weird place because Reyn pushed a button and we fell down or whatever.

We climbed along the wall and fought a big dude that was very easy to beat thankfully. I don't know what its name is.

I'm going to spend some time looking at the quests because they're time sensitive and past a certain point in the story I won't be able to play them anymore. That's it for this update, which is mostly me being annoyed about playing this game again. Hopefully I'll cheer up a bit.

Saturday 7 January 2023

261 xenoblade - bashing andos robots is a lot of fun!

Dear Readers,

As Melia, I was confronted in the High Entia tomb by Tyrea, who called me a filthy Homs half-breed. Yeesh.

The scene shifted to the group again, down in the hole we fell though. I was now Shulk again. We all gave out to Reyn for pressing the button, but we were thankful we were safe. Alvis said we just had a longer way to go now but we could still help Melia.

We started wandering hallways, beating up on Andos robots. This part was extremely fun! I loved running around the place, smashing up robots that appeared. The way they crumbled was very satisfying. We did this for quite a while.

We found stairwells that were just spiral ramps with pools of water at the bottom. Very nice design for this game.

We eventually found a room with a landmark called Valley of Emperors, but I'm gonna continue wandering around bashing robots for a while. Gonna savour the fun bits of this game while they're here!

Friday 6 January 2023

260 xenoblade - melia's ritual

Dear Readers,

I was now playing as Melia in the High Entia tomb, undertaking my trial for the throne.

The music here was gentle and futuristic and mysterious, fitting with the area nicely.

I got a tutorial about Fighting with Melia Alone. It suggested firing elementals and inflicting sleep when facing groups of enemies. This has a fresh feeling to it.

I fought a single robot first, then a couple of robots. It was easy enough to get used to playing as Melia. I had to summon elementals first as Arts, then use them with the central command to attack.

The trials were pretty easy. I was then congratulated by a machine replicating my ancestor, who explained some things, but not in a way I could fully understand. He granted me the seal to rule the High Entia and told me I was probably the last.

I didn't know what he meant. All of a sudden someone showed up! It was someone named Tyrea, here to cause trouble!

Thursday 5 January 2023

259 xenoblade - entering the high entia tomb as melia

Dear Readers,

Now we had to go see Melia at her ritual at the High Entia tomb.

I had a check to see the quests and it looked like we could still do them. Hooray!

We warped to the High Entia Tomb and a cutscene played where Alvis and I talked about our powers to see the future. Mine were different from his. He talked a little bit about the Monado, which was more powerful and storied than we imagined. It was passed down through generations and eventually it made its way to the Homs and now it's for me. He said it was up to me to discover how to use it. We entered the tomb.

The scene shifted to a masked Melia. I was playing as her now too. As her, I verified myself with the system here and it let me proceed with the ritual.

Scene shift to the group again in the same room some time later. Alvis talked about the security system here. Reyn unwittingly pressed the button and the floor disappeared, making everyone fall down a huge hole! Oh no!

After this, the scene shifted to Melia again. It was time to fight as her.

Wednesday 4 January 2023

258 xenoblade - offering to help melia with her ritual

Dear Readers,

After we beat up the High Entia assassins, Melia's brother came in with Alvis and some High Entia guards.

They wondered what was going on. This was pretty much one of the bad things that was happening because of Melia's mother.

The scene shifted to a masked Melia, getting ready for her ritual. She had to face the challenge by herself. There was a very sinister sounding lady telling her what was going on. She sounded evil anyway.

Scene shift back to us. We told Melia's brother that I had the ability to see the future, similar to Alvis. We also convinced him to let us help Melia, as she was in grave danger. He admitted there was no rule saying Homs couldn't help, so he agreed to let us help.

Tuesday 3 January 2023

257 xenoblade - attacked by high entia assassins

Dear Readers,

We warped back to our hotel room/prison in Alcamoth. Hilariously, it was raining indoors haha.

We watched a crowd gathering in the city as Melia's father announced she was going to be the new ruler.

I got a vision of a masked Melia being attacked by someone. Uh oh.

There was a scene where Melia's mother revealed she really really didn't like Homs. Yeesh. Melia's brother was listening to her.

The scene shifted back to us and all of a sudden, these masked High Entia entered the room and attacked us.

The battle with these guys took ages. We were at a much higher level than they were, but we weren't doing much damage to them because we weren't using the counter debuff strategy that was being introduced in this area. They were using chain attacks and everything.

We were well able to get them with our own chain attacks and pick them off slowly one by one until we flattened them all on the ground. Woo!

I hope we aren't being locked out of quests... Time for the next story scene...

Monday 2 January 2023

256 xenoblade - sorean decides it's melia's time

Dear Readers,

A cutscene played where Alvis was speaking with the leader of the High Entia. Also there were the leader's wife and brother. To Melia, Sorean is the father and leader, Yumea is the mother, Kallian is the brother.

They discussed the Telethia being defeated among other things and decided it was time for Melia to carry out some kind of ritual. Yumea's thoughts didn't agree with what they decided. Sounds like there's tension there that will escalate soon. Alvis seemed to notice this.

It was all something about the Bionis coming back to life or something? We'll see.

The scene shifted back to us. We decided to head back to Alcamoth.

Sunday 1 January 2023

255 xenoblade - saving the lighthouse worker from kromar

Dear Readers,

We got to the Ether Crystal Deposit at Eryth Sea, where we found the Kromar that were attacking the worker.

They were pretty easy to deal with and we beat all of them handily. I did notice they had a status effect attack that made us unable to use Arts, like some kind of fury status effect.

When we beat them up, the worker thanked us and then things jumped to a cutscene...