Sunday 8 January 2023

262 xenoblade - climbing along a wall in a room to beat up some big dude i dunno whatever

Dear Readers,

It's been a big gap in updates so I have to get used to this game again. Honestly I want to throw it out the window and play something else.

Okay then um... so we are in the tomb of the high entia where whatsherface... Melia is doing her training thingy and we got into a weird place because Reyn pushed a button and we fell down or whatever.

We climbed along the wall and fought a big dude that was very easy to beat thankfully. I don't know what its name is.

I'm going to spend some time looking at the quests because they're time sensitive and past a certain point in the story I won't be able to play them anymore. That's it for this update, which is mostly me being annoyed about playing this game again. Hopefully I'll cheer up a bit.

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