Monday 16 January 2023

270 xenoblade - tyrea defeated

Dear Readers,

We beat the mean ol' Tyrea! I switched Melia with Sharla, used shield a lot and got a good few chain attacks in too. I couldn't hurt Tyrea at all but the others were able to.

When defeated, Tyrea ordered the telethia to kill as many as it could. It was about to explode in a bloomy mess when Alvis stepped in and raised his hand, nullifying the explosion. Tyrea and the Telethia were gone.

I explained to Melia how the Monado told me she was in danger and that's why we came here to help. She thanked us.

It was a tough fight with Tyrea alright. I desperately needed those chain attacks. Otherwise I just focused on healing and buffing the others since I couldn't do much otherwise.

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