Saturday 7 January 2023

261 xenoblade - bashing andos robots is a lot of fun!

Dear Readers,

As Melia, I was confronted in the High Entia tomb by Tyrea, who called me a filthy Homs half-breed. Yeesh.

The scene shifted to the group again, down in the hole we fell though. I was now Shulk again. We all gave out to Reyn for pressing the button, but we were thankful we were safe. Alvis said we just had a longer way to go now but we could still help Melia.

We started wandering hallways, beating up on Andos robots. This part was extremely fun! I loved running around the place, smashing up robots that appeared. The way they crumbled was very satisfying. We did this for quite a while.

We found stairwells that were just spiral ramps with pools of water at the bottom. Very nice design for this game.

We eventually found a room with a landmark called Valley of Emperors, but I'm gonna continue wandering around bashing robots for a while. Gonna savour the fun bits of this game while they're here!

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