Wednesday 4 January 2023

258 xenoblade - offering to help melia with her ritual

Dear Readers,

After we beat up the High Entia assassins, Melia's brother came in with Alvis and some High Entia guards.

They wondered what was going on. This was pretty much one of the bad things that was happening because of Melia's mother.

The scene shifted to a masked Melia, getting ready for her ritual. She had to face the challenge by herself. There was a very sinister sounding lady telling her what was going on. She sounded evil anyway.

Scene shift back to us. We told Melia's brother that I had the ability to see the future, similar to Alvis. We also convinced him to let us help Melia, as she was in grave danger. He admitted there was no rule saying Homs couldn't help, so he agreed to let us help.

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