Wednesday 18 January 2023

272 xenoblade - reminding myself where merisa was to finish quest

Dear Readers,

We're back in Alcamoth after rescuing Melia. Let's review the quests and cash in on some we have finished.

We found Merisa and cashed in on the quest about finding her son.

In order to do this I had to look back on previous blog entries to find out who Merisa was and where the heck she was. Then I had to find her on the affinity chart which took another while.

I re-learned that Merisa is active during the day between 6am and 6pm and she hangs out around one of the shrub pots in the northern part of the semi circle on 1F of Alcamoth.

We traipsed our way up there, which was pretty far from the nearest warp point and I groaned about not having fun with this game. We found a woman with a red exclamation mark above her head. Otherwise she looked like every other character in the area. She was thankful and gave us something I'll probably never use. 

Her entry updated in the affinity chart with a link between her and her son with a smiley face with the word "worried" next to it.

I'm ending this blog post here. It's just one mission that was done already but I'm already tired and annoyed.

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