Thursday 12 January 2023

266 xenoblade - noticing a corridor to a high entia treasure and boss robot

Dear Readers,

We continued through the corridor and found another landmark called Tower of Trials - Bridge. Also, it's a landmark we can't use right now.

The path continued to a room with more wall climbing, but it was so weird! The climbing path went up, sideways and then down to a lower level to where we were. We'll explore it later, but first, back to that room from before...

...through that previous corridor. Then we noticed that the corridor branched off to a room with a high entia treasure. It had a nasty boss robot guarding it. We tried fighting but ended up having to run away. We'll have to use strategy. It seems like a secret room we'll have to come back to a little later.

But back to that room with the ledges. We explored the rest of the ledges and found another heart to heart point that wasn't available. It was there I saved the game and turned it off. Whew. One thing at a time please.

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