Tuesday 3 January 2023

257 xenoblade - attacked by high entia assassins

Dear Readers,

We warped back to our hotel room/prison in Alcamoth. Hilariously, it was raining indoors haha.

We watched a crowd gathering in the city as Melia's father announced she was going to be the new ruler.

I got a vision of a masked Melia being attacked by someone. Uh oh.

There was a scene where Melia's mother revealed she really really didn't like Homs. Yeesh. Melia's brother was listening to her.

The scene shifted back to us and all of a sudden, these masked High Entia entered the room and attacked us.

The battle with these guys took ages. We were at a much higher level than they were, but we weren't doing much damage to them because we weren't using the counter debuff strategy that was being introduced in this area. They were using chain attacks and everything.

We were well able to get them with our own chain attacks and pick them off slowly one by one until we flattened them all on the ground. Woo!

I hope we aren't being locked out of quests... Time for the next story scene...

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