Saturday 30 April 2016

1 A Day in the Life of Arnold - Phone Box Guy?

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0009

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this game by Hippo Enterprises. So uh... this is one of those isometric platforming games and this one seems to be similar to another one in the list. Was there some kind of construction kit for this kind of game?

Anyway this one you control what seems a bit like a phone box and you go through a maze. Some slowdown when a lot of objects are on screen but there is a weapon you can use which is nice.

Personally I loved Monster Max on the Game Boy and this is one of the precursors to it. It's an old one though with tank controls so it's a bit weird to control and I'm not quite used to it. The very second room is filled with enemies and it takes a bit of luck to get through them. There are other enemies that don't do harm but they push you up against a wall or corner and can be a nuisance when you can't escape. I might explore more of Arnold's day in this maze another time. We'll see.

Friday 29 April 2016

26 Final Fantasy Explorers - More Eidolon Pairs Online With Nova, Joe and Terra

Dear Readers,

I was too tired to play last time, but this time I was ready to go! I joined Joe EL250 White Mage, Nova EL159 Samurai and Terra EL124 Dragoon. I was EL107 Monk.

I started with my 3DS charger plugged in as the light was red.

Quest 1: "Two Paths: Lightning and Flame"

We had a very nice battle with the Phoenix and teleported back to take on Ramuh. I got revived along with someone else and this double revive was nicely timed!

After this, Terra stopped playing for the evening.

Quest 2: "Garden of Decay, Tidal Caves"

Joe was getting a snack and told us to continue, so Nova and I went ahead with this quest on our own. It was pretty tough without him but we managed it!

Leviathan was quite a toughie and we had to revive one another, but Nova got in there with an encase at the end. Woo!

We didn't spend much time fighting monsters along the way to the eidolons, but we did take some materials while running past the monsters. It's not a bad strategy sometimes and can be fun in itself too! I like doing the Counter move if I get attacked by anyone while running.

I ran ahead to take on Dryad but I didn't have a chance without Nova. We defeated her eventually.

Quest 3: "Demon's Whisper, Wolf's Howl"

Hoo boy. I had the worst luck with this one and disconnects on a previous session, so I was a bit nervous about it. That Fenrir was unbelievably tough and we kept dropping like flies. After so much trouble, I finally encased that hound dog.

We had ample time so Diabolos was quite manageable too.

After this, Joe took a screenshot of the three of us standing by each other in Libertas and tweeted it out! Memories!

For some weird reason, the photo op put me offline, but I was able to connect again no bother.

Quest 4: "Mighty Blades Have No Foes"

Well this started off embarrassing! I ran ahead into where Odin was and when the others arrived, I was already KO'd flat out on the ground. That freaking Zantetsuken move he has!

Quest 5: "Two Seas, a Forked Path to Hell"

I'm slightly more familiar with Leviathan's attacks now and can Counter most of them. Very handy move to have. We beat Ifrit handily and it felt like our team was very powerful :)

Leviathan was defeated just as its Tsunami was coming right for us. Nova got washed back but Joe and I took shelter on either side of the area to avoid it. I was the first to run down to the beach and get at the spoils! We all get our own share but it was fun to race anyway! :)

Quest 6: "A Clash with Great Might"

Joe wanted to encase Okami er... I mean Amaterasu(dang it Joe, now you've got me saying it) so I stepped back when its HP was low enough. One of the others encased her.

We then went on to kick Bahamut butt and that was our session!

Thursday 28 April 2016

1 3D-Tanx - Blocking Tanks

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0007

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this game by Don Priestly.

You shoot tanks in the distance while avoid being shot yourself. You move left and right on the screen and control the trajectory of your shots and that's about it. Nice sense of depth perception. I found it a bit weird when the fire button only worked sometimes. It meant I had to press the button rapidly like a lunatic whenever I wanted to hit something.

My highest score so far is 6,400. I got this thanks to taking advantage of defeated tanks blocking the road from ones coming up behind it. Not a bad strategy and I don't have to change trajectory either! Only thing is, the score depletes while the tanks on the other rows are escaping off left. It went over 7,000 at one point!

Wednesday 27 April 2016

1 3D Noughts & Crosses - V1 & V2

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0005 & #0006

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this game, which is a bit cerebral. I understand that you can get winning patterns spread across different boards, but looking for winning patterns is very tricky in this version of the game. Inputting co-ordinates instead of having a selection mechanism is an absolute pain and always breaks my concentration. I suppose this was before such things were invented though. I played and lost 3 games in V1 and 1 game on V2. V1 has a 3D illustration at least but V2 has labelled co-ordinates. V2 also has this weird thing that can crash and send you into the code if you input the wrong thing.

I first played a version of this game called 3rd Dimension on the Macintosh, which had a mouse, so I can't imagine wanting to play such a primitive version where you have to type 3 co-ordinate numbers to make a move.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

1 2088 - A Top Down Jetpac?

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0004

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this game by Ian Beynon. It's a top down single screen shooter, where you must let these green blobby things fill up the two space ships in the centre. There's a number here that indicates how many are left to go in before the stage is complete. At first I thought I had to shoot these green blobby things!

Many enemies fill the screen, the most common is this Centipede like enemy that moves around diagonally. There are items to collect for points and sometimes I'm not sure what was an item or a hazard until it was too late. I got used to it though. The scariest enemy is this yellow thing that follows you around! More than one of them can appear at once too! The green laser zappers at the edges of the screen keep you on your toes too.

When the green blobby quota is reached, you go into the ship and fly through a meteor shower to the next area where you rescue more green blobby thingies. I quite like this game. It reminds me to some degree of Jetpac and also Cosmic Commuter on the Atari 2600. My highest score so far is 79,182.

Monday 25 April 2016

1 20-20 Vision - Top Down Maze Adventure

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0003

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this game, designed by GHD Shaw. It seems to be set in the jungle or something and I'm navigating a Zelda like top down maze with corridors. It looks a lot like Sabre Wulf actually. There are these items to collect, some labelled TEA and others too. I have no idea what most of them do. Some of them clear the screen of enemies. The enemies come out of thin air to attack and there are no action buttons! Just the directional ones. You shoot by tapping in that direction, which is kind of crazy but an interesting way to approach a game and can be kinda fun by itself.

I'm not sure what the goal of the game is or anything. Even more confusing are the boxes on the bottom. Some indicate the lives I have left and others have numbers in them. What do they mean? I haven't the foggiest...

Another weird thing about this game is that when you go onto the next screen and there's a wall there, it brings you back to the previous one. Why not have a wall there on the original screen? I suppose game developers didn't think of things like that as standard until later.

But yeah, the game is very fast paced like a Zelda game would be in its combat. To get any good at this game, I'll have to get to know this labyrinthine world, which may not be easy as many screens look the same. Also to suss out the other power-ups. See what they do. My highest score so far is 120.

Sunday 24 April 2016

2 1999 - More Gradius Comparisons

Dear Readers,

I played this game a bit more. That high score entry is kind of insane. I can spell out my full name in there!

I got a Micro SD card for my Vega. Now I can have a single save point per game, which means scores will be saved and redefined keys will be saved. Thank goodness!

The power up system for this game is as follows:

1st - 5,000 points
2nd - Extra fire on screen at once
3rd - Hold the fire button to keep shooting
4th - Extra life

Similar to Gradius but also different. There are no speed power ups, thank goodness. There are also some important decisions to make. When I got to the Wall of Hades I had the 5,000 highlighted. I wondered if I should bank the points or wait. Then I lost a life and lost the chance too. I didn't get any further, but now at least I can save scores and keys!

Saturday 23 April 2016

1 1999 - Condensed Gradius-like Shmup/STG

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0002

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this game, which was made by a group called Ice Cool Coders. Wow. It's got a cool title screen, kinda scanliney over the title in space near a weird alien planet. Then I pressed a button and the second title screen appeared and it was kinda dramatic with flashy arcade attract effects and music by Steve Corry. Some speech there too! No idea what it said though. The Ice Cool Coders are Balor Knight and Chris Pile. The high score table is pretty awesome, with funny phrases there instead of names and each entry has about 30 characters! The top score is 70,000 by default. If you don't put in your name you come up as "Mr NOBODY WAZ ERE"

"PREPARE FOR DEATH!" is kinda cool and again I like the scanline effect.

The death animations are nice and disintegratey, but are unskippable and get kind of old after dying so many times. I know it's THE END, I just don't need to see it go red and explode slowly for the 100th time!

The game itself is a horizontal shmup stg with different named sections. Some have enemies like the first ones you see in Gradius and others have a boss or walls to avoid. There are also annoying enemies that come up from behind so you can't exactly hug the left side of the screen. These sections loop and are really fast and difficult.

The game is fun enough but you can only shoot one bullet at a time at first, which can be tough to manage. There's a power up system too that's like Gradius, but I haven't really sussed it yet. Whoever programmed this for the Vega seems to have forgotten to put in a button to activate power ups and put two fire buttons instead. Ah well. It can be redefined at least with the in-game option. My highest score this session was 13,585.

The furthest I reached was this thing that looks like the brain from Life Force or Salamander. It moved much quicker though!

Friday 22 April 2016

25 Final Fantasy Explorers - Server Maintenance, Ramuh Night

Dear Readers,

We have too many players now! But not enough for two rooms. Joe, Nova, Lou and another one of my American friends filled the 4 player limit. Ah well. I was able to chill out until Lou turned in for the night. Nova's friend finished up too.

Joe was saying the game sounds really good with headphones. Maybe he can now understand why I love the pickup sound so much!

At this stage, Joe was EL241 Blue Mage, Nova was EL149 Monk and I was EL105 Monk. Nice to have another Monk!

Quest 1: "Blustery Boltstorm"
Quest 2: "Battle of Despair, Dark Stormclouds"
Quest 3: "Blustery Boltstorm"
Quest 4: "Two Paths: Lightning and Flame"

Ramuh's involved in every one of these first few quests we did! It was a big night for him! The fight we had with Phoenix was pretty awesome. With multiple 1,000 Needles Surges, we got lots of critical hits on it, which deals like 10,000 damage. We encased lots of times too.

Quest 5: "Battle for Holy Ground"

This was between Alexander and another eidolon. Nova seems to like the Vacuum Wave! It's a pretty sweet move :)

Quest 6: "Demon's Whisper, Wolf's Howl"

Diabolos was very tricky as usual but we managed to encase him. Then we went for Fenrir but got disconnected... I wasn't able to finish it off on my own.

Quest 7: "Demon's Whisper, Wolf's Howl"

Attempt 2. This time Joe brought a Centaurion with him and went for Diabolos while Nova and I went for Fenrir. Alas, we disconnected again. Again, I couldn't beat Fenrir on my own.

We all got an error message, 006-0811, which means server undergoing maintenance. We decided to call it for the evening.

Of course, this means that someday this game won't have online multiplayer when it goes out of service — just solo and local multiplayer, or with beast companions. Keep this in mind, fellow explorers!

Thursday 21 April 2016

1 1994 Ten Years After - New ZX Spectrum Vega!

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0001

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about playing this first game listed out of a thousand on my new ZX Spectrum Vega! I've always been interested in this computer but it was slightly before my time. With the Vega, I have a great chance to try out all these games easily. I love the way the Vega is designed like an 8-bit console game controller!

So this first game by K.J. Bezant has a title I don't really understand. From playing it a bit, it's like a Donkey Kong inspired platformer. It's got nice platforms that change colours and collectible stuff. The bouncing balls don't hurt and I can't imagine what they're for. I had trouble getting past the two elevators on the first level because of this annoying bird that kept grabbing me and carrying me back to the start. Get lost! I guess it's worth sussing out its pattern.

Somehow, I managed to make it to the top and I got this message bulletin calling me an idiot for not getting the key and sending me back to the beginning! They didn't hold back with these games did they!

The score constantly rises, so it seems that this game rewards endurance? The score table itself is blank. I'm not sure what the strength indicator is for either. It seems to deplete when the bouncing balls hit me. Maybe I lose a life if it goes down to 0? It refills by itself fast enough so I don't really know yet.

I had several game overs. On one turn I had the key just within reach when the bird popped out from there and carried me all over the screen before dumping me back at the start again. Gah!

Eventually I made it to the second level, which has longer platforms and sideways moving platforms too. I lost one life here and passed it without too much of a fuss. The bird caught me once.

The third level has about four elevators and shorter platforms again. I lost all my lives almost straight away! I decided to call it for this session, with my best score being 5437.

Again that bird! Dragging me all the way up and down and across the screen to the beginning while the timer counts away down! Argh!

Wednesday 20 April 2016

24 Sonic Chaos - Electric Egg Zone Act 3, Dr. Robotnik, endings

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the final stage in the game, about facing Dr. Robotnik and the endings.

After getting into the cart, jump on to the platform and up through the pipe. Keep DOWN pressed and you'll go into a room with a ten ring box. Continue through the pipe.

I find that when you come out of the pipe, if you press left and then right you'll land on the ledge, as opposed to the elevator platform. This can save on time if you're a speedrunner or something.

Dr. Robotnik has this walker robot that fires bouncy bullets so it's worth trying to get the ring box earlier. After over a dozen hits he retreats but don't celebrate just yet. He goes offscreen and tries to ram you. If he hits you, you'll die, even if you have rings. It takes a bit of timing and guesswork but it also only takes one hit for him to be defeated too.

If you have all 5 Special Stages completed and their respective emeralds collected, Dr. Robotnik drops the final 6th emerald and you get a credit sequence with Sonic running around inside the emeralds. It also has "AND YOU", being the player, in the special thanks, so that's quite lovely! I love it when games do this!

The bad ending has Sonic falling flat on his face, which is quite startling! It displays TRY AGAIN. Not the nicest ending to get!

Tuesday 19 April 2016

24 Final Fantasy Explorers - Online with Joe and Lou, My Return From A Brief Hiatus!

Dear Readers,

It's been a small while since I played this game online with my American friends. Last week the internet went out in my area and I missed out. I was also too tired another evening to play when the internet came back. I'm back now though!

No Nova this time, but Joe brought his friend Lou to play, so we still had a band of three! At this stage, Joe was EL 225 Blue Mage, Lou was EL 42 Ranger and I was EL 103 Monk.

Quest 1: "Sovereign of the Skies"

Joe wanted to encase Bahamut this time. He was having a bit of internet trouble, so Lou and I had to finish it off together. We did encase it though!

Quest 2: "Aptitude Exam: Dragoon & Sage"

Nice and quick quest done just outside Libertas!

Quest 3: "A Bitter Pill"

Poor Joe disconnected again and Lou and I had to finish all those Malboros off. It got a bit hectic but we managed it!

Quest 4: "Cloaked in Darkest Ebony"

Diabolos is tricky at any level. I'm not sure if I've ever avoided getting an instant KO from him. Two of us had Cloud Magicites and it looked a bit strange but cool!

Quest 5: "Freezing Fangs"

Beat the Fenrir handily.

Quest 6: "Zantetsu Master"

Joe wanted to encase this one too. Must be crafting something big. Unfortunately, I disconnected from the others. Nothing wrong with the connection, but my 3DS disconnected anyway and I didn't regain access for ages.

After about an hour, I finally was able to connect and Lou had finished for the evening, so it was just Joe and me.

Quest 7: "The Royal Cleaver"

Still trying to complete the Tonberry King sub! Feels like it's taking forever. I didn't get an instant KO this time :)

Quest 8: "A Queenly Duet"

I mainly picked this to complete the Shiva and Dryad subquests. Joe wanted to encase Shiva. I failed my encase move and accidentally defeated her... whoops! He also had a cool Black Chocobo along which knew some kind of meteor move.

Quest 9: "Royal Cleaver"

Yup! Again! I finally completed the subquest quota with this though :) I got an instant KO at one point... Just when I thought I was starting to get luckier too!

Quest 10: "Bomb Bomb Bomb!"

This was quite fun. The three big Mom Bombs gathered together to gang up on us but it makes them an easier target when they're all in a bunch.

Quest 11: "Beyond the Fortress to the Queen"

I picked this because Shiva was involved again and I wanted to make it up to Joe for accidentally defeating her earlier in our session! He managed to encase her this time! There was one funny moment where I was hit with a severe attack from her immediately after Joe revived me, only to instantly fall in a KO again. Thankfully he revived me again!

Between eidolons, we explored every nook and cranny and picked up everything along the way. It took forever between Lake Tinze and Sacred Tree Woll. Lots of areas between these two points. It took about three quarters of an hour, almost the entire time limit!

After this quest, we stopped for the evening.

Monday 18 April 2016

23 Sonic Chaos - Electric Egg Zone Act 2, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about how to find what's probably the biggest ring cluster in the game!

Bounce on the spring and into the pipe, going right and landing on the platform. Jump up and right towards some crumbling floor blocks. At the third group of 6 rings, drop through and that's where the massive cluster is! Careful of the flying enemies around here too though.

Sunday 17 April 2016

22 Sonic Chaos - Electric Egg Zone Act 1, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage and about how to get 100 rings in it.

Pretty dangerous zone as you can expect with spikes and lasers everywhere. First, head to the left where there are 2 ten ring boxes. Then head right and into the pipe, riding it all the way up and left and jump before the platform you land on drops. Make your way right past the lasers and skip the speed booster. Jump a little bit off the cliff and you'll find a line of 6 ten ring boxes. If you miss any of them you'll fall through the pipe but not to worry, as underneath there's a massive cluster of rings and springs, the biggest you'll find in this stage. Hopefully that'll be enough to get you 100.

Saturday 16 April 2016

21 Sonic Chaos - Aqua Planet Zone Act 3, Boss

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this short stage and about defeating the boss.

Lots of corridor springs here. When the corridor turns upwards, try and avoid bouncing on the spring mounted on the left wall by holding right and land near the invincibility power up. Spin dash into it and you'll go through the wall before bouncing up to the top, where you'll find a handy ten ring box.

The boss first appears as those skinny hopping things we saw earlier in this Zone. They can all be defeated by holding a spin dash charge and letting them jump into you, which is quite nice. If you spin dash in the right spot you can get multiple hits by trapping their bounce. After this, the boss, a big round spherical bouncing robot comes along. It can be dealt with quite easily until it loses its top, where you'll then have to deal with missiles. Just one more hit after this will destroy it, leaving you free to run on to the final zone!

Friday 15 April 2016

20 Sonic Chaos - Aqua Planet Zone Act 2, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage and getting 100 rings in it. Lots of ten ring boxes to be found and this makes it easy!

First collect the rings you and try to bounce to the highest part of the stage. Don't worry about bouncing past the ten ring box here as there are plenty more up ahead. Jump to the right and onto the loop to find some rings and 6 ten ring boxes. Jump to the next platform and stay up high. Jump further to reach another platform with 4 ten ring boxes. That should do the trick!

Thursday 14 April 2016

3 Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Sonic & Tails Run Part 2

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the rest of the session I had with this game as Sonic and Tails. At this point I had 5 of the Super Emeralds and needed another two, starting from Sandopolis Zone. I usually dread this zone, but I managed to obtain the last two in the first act. Yay! Good ending guaranteed! To think I was on the verge of giving up after failing so much on Mushroom Hill!

For the rest of the session I didn't use Hyper Sonic that much, as I kept losing rings from being hit. Everything seemed to go wrong when facing Dr. Robotnik at the end of Lava Reef Zone.

In the Death Egg Zone, there's this boss shaped like a ball where you have to make its spiky little wheelie things hit it by using the gravity. I didn't know this before, but you can spin dash into these spiky things to toss them back at the boss. It took a lot longer before just timing it with gravity swaps!

In the Doomsday Zone I kept dying as well so I decided to take my time and collect a good amount of rings. I even got 100 for an extra life at one stage!

Anyway I beat the game with the best ending and that was that! :)

Wednesday 13 April 2016

2 Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Sonic & Tails All Emerald Run Part 1

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about an all-emerald complete run of this game I did recently using Sonic and Tails.

I got 4 chaos emeralds from Angel Island Zone and another 2 from Hydrocity Zone. The last one I struggled with until I reached Carnival Night Zone, where I finally got it.

With the Super Emeralds, it was a bit of a disaster. I only got 2 from Mushroom Hill Zone and failed about 4 times to get one of them! I eventually got the troublesome one though. I got another 3 on the Flying Battery Zone.

Between all the failed attempts this session went very long! I had to continue the next day.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

1 Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Tails All Emerald Run

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about a complete emerald run I did using Tails. I'm using Tails because I want to explore and try to get more used to Super Ring locations. It's good to gather intel this way!

I also forgot that you have to have all Super Emeralds to have any Super Form at all with Tails! It doesn't work with just the Chaos Emeralds.

I found an extra Super Ring under the waterfall in Angel Island Zone Act 2 this way.

There are two big dips and a ramp launching you upwards in Hydrocity Zone, where you can find Super Rings with good timing. One of them is to the left of shifting platforms and the other is above two cylindrical spinning platforms and can be reached with Sonic as well.

I took FOREVER looking for rings in Marble Garden Zone. Ran out of the 10 minute time limit several times in both Acts!

Had trouble with Dr. Robotnik here as well. He's pretty tough here when using Tails. I had to stock up on lives.

I think I got all the Chaos Emeralds by the time I reached Carnival Night Zone but I don't remember right.

Later on in Mushroom Hill Zone, I found at least 6 Super Rings. Well worth taking your time here!

Found another 2 or 3 Super Rings in Flying Battery Zone that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. One of them you have to push spikes aside and another is to the left of a lot of springs.

The game went quite smoothly from then onward and to the end of the game. I was using a SEGA Saturn controller and a USB connector to play on PC. It's not the Japanese one that everybody seems to love more. I like that one but I really like this one a lot too.

Monday 11 April 2016

1 Bank Panic(Master System)

Dear Readers,

I have to tell you about this game I love so much! Gameplay wise, it's got the sensibilities of a Game & Watch game like Oil Panic and it's a pure arcade game with its scoring system. I especially love filling the blanks with money, the gentlemen tipping their hats and rendition of "I Wish I Was In Dixie" as the background music! It's such a pleasure to play!

In this version of the game, the colours are quite bold and I'm not exactly sure what "FAIR" is and if it's a difficulty you can change, or how you get EXTRA letters.

In this session I had, I reached Round 9 and got a score of 318,200.

Sunday 10 April 2016

1 Star Jacker

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this game I heard about on Classic Game Room on the inecomcompany channel on YouTube! I fell in love with it on watching Mark play it and his own love for the game is highly contagious.

Today I had a session where I reached the third stage and got a game over with a score of 24,460. I only died once on the first stage, which is pretty good considering I was out of practice!

Saturday 9 April 2016

1 Dynamite Headdy (Mega Drive/Genesis)

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk a bit about a session I had with Dynamite Headdy. I practised this game a good bit in the past few months and returned to it after some time. I can get secret bonus points in the first few levels handily but on the toy and tower levels for example, I haven't sussed how to get them.

Some stages I deliberately lost a life and repeated to get the secret bonus points. This is fun on Backstage Battle, which is one of my favourite sections. The Clothes Encounters one was painful enough though, while trying to stay alive at the same time. Passed three of the basketball bonus stages too.

Anyway, in this session I made it as far as Baby Face, on the middle aged man phase before getting a game over. Not bad after not playing for ages!

Friday 8 April 2016

23 Final Fantasy Explorers - Online with Joe, Nova and now Mario!

Dear Readers,

Joe invited someone along today. He uses Mario as his handle and was an EL203 Black Mage. Joe was EL186 Beastmaster and I was EL101 Monk. Yep, I'm finally past 100 now! Nova was EL136 White Mage and didn't join until later, as they were in another multiplayer session with their friend. One too many to fit the 4 player limit.

Quest 1: "Eternal Firebird"

I joined a bit late and saw that Joe and Mario were doing this 10 star quest. So that's what's ahead for us someday!

Quest 2: "Golden King of Dragons"

Our enemy was really strong and got a triple KO out of us. Had to time revive.

Back in Libertas Cid told me that Ifrit and Phoenix had both cropped up in the region between the Loithus Cave and Mount Hibat.

Quest 3: "Beastlord Horn"

This one we did handily enough. Mario was training up to earn Endless Link mutations. Maybe I should try them out someday.

Quest 4: "Eidodlon Ambush alpha"

I asked nicely if we could do Phoenix, Diabolos and Alexander because I had subquests to do. The others kindly obliged and fortunately, Alexander was Mario's favourite eidolon to fight! So we split three ways. Joe went after Diabolos, Mario went after Alexander and I went after Phoenix. It was hard fighting it on my own, but the cavalry came in and defeated it before it could do Flames of Rebirth. Woo!

Quest 5: "Blustery Volcano"

My first 8 star quest! Unfortunately, Mario had to leave. Nova joined soon afterwards though. We encased Phoenix but I got disconnected before we could take on the other one.

Quest 6: "Blustery Volcano"

We decided to do this again. It's handy for meeting the subquest quota in any case!

After this, Cid told me about eidolons that were showing up in pairs. Different lairs but pairs.

I was having such bad luck with the internet connection... It cut out a few times during play. Luckily, the other times were in Libertas.

Eventually the internet connection went entirely and I didn't have online access for several days. It'll be a while before I can go exploring with my American friends again... :(

Thursday 7 April 2016

19 Sonic Chaos - Aqua Planet Zone Act 1, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage and about getting 100 rings in it.

For a water level in a Sonic game, it isn't too troublesome! Nice view of the clouds as you start right at the top parts of the stage too. You should make an effort to stay up high as well for collecting rings. If the worst comes to the worst, there's an extra life at the very bottom left corner of the stage, allowing for some practice.

Continue going right, being careful of the little hopping enemies, until you get to a cliff. Carefully jump across the platforms with two rings each above them and over past the spikes. The platforms will crumble here too. When you get over the spikes, don't hit the speed booster. Just take it handy. Collect the 3 ten ring boxes and be careful of the hopping enemies below. On this part, go right slowly towards the edge and jump on the small platform that almost looks like the background. From here, you can jump right if you want and collect 4 ten ring boxes on top of the loop and another ten ring box across the gap. Alternatively, you can jump up and left to get the Rocket Shoes and collect this big long string of rings which should get you up to 100. If not, then go back for the ring boxes.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

18 Sonic Chaos - Mecha Green Hill Zone Act 3, Boss

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this tricky short stage and about the boss.

First, try to climb as high as possible by carefully using the small platforms. Just above the second treacherous bridge, there's a ten ring box. It can be collected with a normal jump from the right side, which is a lot safer to jump from I find.

The boss fires projectiles while climbing up and down on the tree. It can be beaten by continually bouncing on it. Rings come in handy too if it ever gets awkward.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

22 Final Fantasy Explorers - Needled And Cleaved Online With Joe And Nova

Dear Readers,

At this stage, Joe was EL177 White Mage, Nova was EL131 White Mage and I was EL98 Monk.

Nova and Joe looked really fetching in their cat ear White Mage hoodies!

Quest 1: "Battle of Mages"

I wasn't on this one. It was for Mages only. I joined a bit late and decided to craft some Gravity Busters. About time I upgraded weapons.

Quest 2: "A Bona Fide Battler"

I wanted to encase Bahamut because I didn't have his Magicite yet. Joe brought his Cactuar to help.

Quest 3: "He Who Slices All"

After this, Joe was kind of sleepy so Nova and I continued for a while. My 3DS was sleepy too so I plugged in the charger.

Quest 4: "Gigantic Cactuar"

Just fought another one for the sake of a subquest! This one's all complete now :)

I got a one hit death from a 10,000 Needles attack as well. They're always needling me, those Gigantuars and Cactuars!

Quest 5: "The Royal Cleaver"

Fought Tonberry King for another sub. Got one hit cleaved by him too! Good thing I had Nova to heal me all this time!

Quest 6: "Dragons of Doom"

Joe rejoined. We took care of these guys quite handily and we all initiated Megaflare at the end! This was good for a subquest too.

Quest 7: "The Royal Cleaver"

Still have more of the subquest quota to fill! I got cleaved that time too. D'oh! He kept chasing me the whole time too.

Monday 4 April 2016

17 Sonic Chaos - Mecha Green Hill Zone Act 2, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage, which can be pretty tricky when trying to get 100 rings.

From the start there are two platforms that float upwards. The left one leads to a few rings, and the other leads to the upper path, where you'll find a good ring filled path but with treacherous bridges. There's also a cluster of rings below, so pick what you can get.

Beyond the vertical corkscrew there's a platform that'll take you upwards to a hidden 10 ring box. Just below the next and final treacherous bridge, there's a massive cluster with about a third of the stage's rings so take your time around here.

Sunday 3 April 2016

16 Sonic Chaos - Mecha Green Hill Zone Act 1, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

This zone is quite tricky and easy to die in. I like it a lot because of the music. It even has a little segment that can be heard in Sonic CD! I love the colour of the sky in this level too, which is a pretty sunset and the start of the nightlife! Whatever nightlife can be found in a mechanical Green Hill Zone anyway.

With regards to collecting 100 rings, It's not done very easily, but there's a handy extra life to help you practise by breaking the blocks under your feet at the start. There are a few rings scattered below, but most of them are above on treacherous sloping bridges and you can climb back up by dropping on the spring below the vertical lines of rings. There's a handy 10 ring box under the last bridge and springs at the end which can help.

Saturday 2 April 2016

15 Sonic Chaos - Sleeping Egg Zone Act 3, Boss

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage and the boss at the end.

You can get to the boss easily simply by holding right, but it's more fun to use the spring! In any case, be sure to pick up the ten ring box on this path!

The boss is a springy robot thing you can easily defeat if you can keep bouncing on its head. If you can't, then keeping some rings helps to deal with the bullets it fires at you.

Friday 1 April 2016

21 Final Fantasy Explorers - Slow Battle With a Nimble Alexander And A Dangerous Sandy Leviathan Online With Joe And Nova

Dear Readers,

No April Fool's jokes today sorry. Maybe one can be made about Chocobos being some kind of delicious dessert, but I can't think of any.

Quest 1: "Demon in the Depths"
Quest 2: "Lawless Judge"

Alexander was at Leggi Steppe this time and used his slowing down moves so we couldn't move fast anywhere. To make things worse, he jumped all around the place! I've never seen so much motion from him before.

Quest 3: "Purging the Sins of Humankind"

Wasn't able to encase into Magicite this time.

Quest 4: "Ferocious Sandstorm"

Leviathan in the sandstorm! He can use Tidal Wave and everything! How is it possible? Anyway, he kicked our butts so hard and he doesn't even have legs! We did manage to defeat him though, but we were on the ropes!

Quest 5: "The Firebird's Deadly Revival"

We encased the Phoenix this time!