Saturday 9 April 2016

1 Dynamite Headdy (Mega Drive/Genesis)

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk a bit about a session I had with Dynamite Headdy. I practised this game a good bit in the past few months and returned to it after some time. I can get secret bonus points in the first few levels handily but on the toy and tower levels for example, I haven't sussed how to get them.

Some stages I deliberately lost a life and repeated to get the secret bonus points. This is fun on Backstage Battle, which is one of my favourite sections. The Clothes Encounters one was painful enough though, while trying to stay alive at the same time. Passed three of the basketball bonus stages too.

Anyway, in this session I made it as far as Baby Face, on the middle aged man phase before getting a game over. Not bad after not playing for ages!

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