Monday 25 April 2016

1 20-20 Vision - Top Down Maze Adventure

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0003

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this game, designed by GHD Shaw. It seems to be set in the jungle or something and I'm navigating a Zelda like top down maze with corridors. It looks a lot like Sabre Wulf actually. There are these items to collect, some labelled TEA and others too. I have no idea what most of them do. Some of them clear the screen of enemies. The enemies come out of thin air to attack and there are no action buttons! Just the directional ones. You shoot by tapping in that direction, which is kind of crazy but an interesting way to approach a game and can be kinda fun by itself.

I'm not sure what the goal of the game is or anything. Even more confusing are the boxes on the bottom. Some indicate the lives I have left and others have numbers in them. What do they mean? I haven't the foggiest...

Another weird thing about this game is that when you go onto the next screen and there's a wall there, it brings you back to the previous one. Why not have a wall there on the original screen? I suppose game developers didn't think of things like that as standard until later.

But yeah, the game is very fast paced like a Zelda game would be in its combat. To get any good at this game, I'll have to get to know this labyrinthine world, which may not be easy as many screens look the same. Also to suss out the other power-ups. See what they do. My highest score so far is 120.

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