Sunday 17 April 2016

22 Sonic Chaos - Electric Egg Zone Act 1, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage and about how to get 100 rings in it.

Pretty dangerous zone as you can expect with spikes and lasers everywhere. First, head to the left where there are 2 ten ring boxes. Then head right and into the pipe, riding it all the way up and left and jump before the platform you land on drops. Make your way right past the lasers and skip the speed booster. Jump a little bit off the cliff and you'll find a line of 6 ten ring boxes. If you miss any of them you'll fall through the pipe but not to worry, as underneath there's a massive cluster of rings and springs, the biggest you'll find in this stage. Hopefully that'll be enough to get you 100.

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