Tuesday 5 April 2016

22 Final Fantasy Explorers - Needled And Cleaved Online With Joe And Nova

Dear Readers,

At this stage, Joe was EL177 White Mage, Nova was EL131 White Mage and I was EL98 Monk.

Nova and Joe looked really fetching in their cat ear White Mage hoodies!

Quest 1: "Battle of Mages"

I wasn't on this one. It was for Mages only. I joined a bit late and decided to craft some Gravity Busters. About time I upgraded weapons.

Quest 2: "A Bona Fide Battler"

I wanted to encase Bahamut because I didn't have his Magicite yet. Joe brought his Cactuar to help.

Quest 3: "He Who Slices All"

After this, Joe was kind of sleepy so Nova and I continued for a while. My 3DS was sleepy too so I plugged in the charger.

Quest 4: "Gigantic Cactuar"

Just fought another one for the sake of a subquest! This one's all complete now :)

I got a one hit death from a 10,000 Needles attack as well. They're always needling me, those Gigantuars and Cactuars!

Quest 5: "The Royal Cleaver"

Fought Tonberry King for another sub. Got one hit cleaved by him too! Good thing I had Nova to heal me all this time!

Quest 6: "Dragons of Doom"

Joe rejoined. We took care of these guys quite handily and we all initiated Megaflare at the end! This was good for a subquest too.

Quest 7: "The Royal Cleaver"

Still have more of the subquest quota to fill! I got cleaved that time too. D'oh! He kept chasing me the whole time too.

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