Tuesday 26 April 2016

1 2088 - A Top Down Jetpac?

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0004

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this game by Ian Beynon. It's a top down single screen shooter, where you must let these green blobby things fill up the two space ships in the centre. There's a number here that indicates how many are left to go in before the stage is complete. At first I thought I had to shoot these green blobby things!

Many enemies fill the screen, the most common is this Centipede like enemy that moves around diagonally. There are items to collect for points and sometimes I'm not sure what was an item or a hazard until it was too late. I got used to it though. The scariest enemy is this yellow thing that follows you around! More than one of them can appear at once too! The green laser zappers at the edges of the screen keep you on your toes too.

When the green blobby quota is reached, you go into the ship and fly through a meteor shower to the next area where you rescue more green blobby thingies. I quite like this game. It reminds me to some degree of Jetpac and also Cosmic Commuter on the Atari 2600. My highest score so far is 79,182.

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