Thursday 28 April 2016

1 3D-Tanx - Blocking Tanks

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0007

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this game by Don Priestly.

You shoot tanks in the distance while avoid being shot yourself. You move left and right on the screen and control the trajectory of your shots and that's about it. Nice sense of depth perception. I found it a bit weird when the fire button only worked sometimes. It meant I had to press the button rapidly like a lunatic whenever I wanted to hit something.

My highest score so far is 6,400. I got this thanks to taking advantage of defeated tanks blocking the road from ones coming up behind it. Not a bad strategy and I don't have to change trajectory either! Only thing is, the score depletes while the tanks on the other rows are escaping off left. It went over 7,000 at one point!

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