Thursday 21 April 2016

1 1994 Ten Years After - New ZX Spectrum Vega!

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0001

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about playing this first game listed out of a thousand on my new ZX Spectrum Vega! I've always been interested in this computer but it was slightly before my time. With the Vega, I have a great chance to try out all these games easily. I love the way the Vega is designed like an 8-bit console game controller!

So this first game by K.J. Bezant has a title I don't really understand. From playing it a bit, it's like a Donkey Kong inspired platformer. It's got nice platforms that change colours and collectible stuff. The bouncing balls don't hurt and I can't imagine what they're for. I had trouble getting past the two elevators on the first level because of this annoying bird that kept grabbing me and carrying me back to the start. Get lost! I guess it's worth sussing out its pattern.

Somehow, I managed to make it to the top and I got this message bulletin calling me an idiot for not getting the key and sending me back to the beginning! They didn't hold back with these games did they!

The score constantly rises, so it seems that this game rewards endurance? The score table itself is blank. I'm not sure what the strength indicator is for either. It seems to deplete when the bouncing balls hit me. Maybe I lose a life if it goes down to 0? It refills by itself fast enough so I don't really know yet.

I had several game overs. On one turn I had the key just within reach when the bird popped out from there and carried me all over the screen before dumping me back at the start again. Gah!

Eventually I made it to the second level, which has longer platforms and sideways moving platforms too. I lost one life here and passed it without too much of a fuss. The bird caught me once.

The third level has about four elevators and shorter platforms again. I lost all my lives almost straight away! I decided to call it for this session, with my best score being 5437.

Again that bird! Dragging me all the way up and down and across the screen to the beginning while the timer counts away down! Argh!

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