Friday 8 April 2016

23 Final Fantasy Explorers - Online with Joe, Nova and now Mario!

Dear Readers,

Joe invited someone along today. He uses Mario as his handle and was an EL203 Black Mage. Joe was EL186 Beastmaster and I was EL101 Monk. Yep, I'm finally past 100 now! Nova was EL136 White Mage and didn't join until later, as they were in another multiplayer session with their friend. One too many to fit the 4 player limit.

Quest 1: "Eternal Firebird"

I joined a bit late and saw that Joe and Mario were doing this 10 star quest. So that's what's ahead for us someday!

Quest 2: "Golden King of Dragons"

Our enemy was really strong and got a triple KO out of us. Had to time revive.

Back in Libertas Cid told me that Ifrit and Phoenix had both cropped up in the region between the Loithus Cave and Mount Hibat.

Quest 3: "Beastlord Horn"

This one we did handily enough. Mario was training up to earn Endless Link mutations. Maybe I should try them out someday.

Quest 4: "Eidodlon Ambush alpha"

I asked nicely if we could do Phoenix, Diabolos and Alexander because I had subquests to do. The others kindly obliged and fortunately, Alexander was Mario's favourite eidolon to fight! So we split three ways. Joe went after Diabolos, Mario went after Alexander and I went after Phoenix. It was hard fighting it on my own, but the cavalry came in and defeated it before it could do Flames of Rebirth. Woo!

Quest 5: "Blustery Volcano"

My first 8 star quest! Unfortunately, Mario had to leave. Nova joined soon afterwards though. We encased Phoenix but I got disconnected before we could take on the other one.

Quest 6: "Blustery Volcano"

We decided to do this again. It's handy for meeting the subquest quota in any case!

After this, Cid told me about eidolons that were showing up in pairs. Different lairs but pairs.

I was having such bad luck with the internet connection... It cut out a few times during play. Luckily, the other times were in Libertas.

Eventually the internet connection went entirely and I didn't have online access for several days. It'll be a while before I can go exploring with my American friends again... :(

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