Saturday 3 September 2022

135 xenoblade - mingling in nopon village on 3f at night

Dear Readers,

Nighttime mingling with the Nopon on 3F now. 

Out on the balcony, only the boyfriend was here now. He said to look up and observe Eryth Sea. Lots of water, but it doesn't come flowing down at all for some reason. That's where we're going eventually.

One Nopon said this was his first time seeing Homs.

Another Nopon was refreshing the lamps and said this job made his legs strong.

Another Nopon told us to be careful around the mushroom as there was no guardrail. Will do.

Actually, we leaped off the platform for fun into the pool below. Good fun indeed!

I'm also looking forward to going really high into the sky at the end of this tree and check out the Eryth Sea more closely.

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