Sunday 11 September 2022

143 xenoblade - nighttime mingling in nopon village on 7f

Dear Readers,

We hung around on 7F of Nopon Village until nighttime to chat before progressing with the story.

There were different Nopon guarding the way to the lake. One was comfortable by the pollen torch and the other was shivering with the cold. Poor thing. They were easy-going about guarding the way too, just like the daytime guards. We didn't bother going past them this time either.

Miko was still at the hut. She said she'd tell on us to Boss Lalapa if we didn't stop talking. This made a link between the two characters called Chief's Aide.

A Nopon nearby felt he was getting far-sighted. Aw no... poor guy. It was all from reading in dark places he said. He asked us to get 3 Upa Embers from Upa in Makna Forest and we said we would.

Another Nopon told us to wash our hands before visiting the sacred place. There was no water so he declared our hands clean by mystic air. Whoosh! Very cute though.

Another Nopon offered a fancy genealogical explanation as to why they spoke the way they did. They made the explanation up for fun and considered asking the chief to make it official. That would be funny indeed.

Another Nopon said we weren't allowed to go to the prophecy place before saying he was only joking as we were allowed to go anywhere, as long as we didn't do bad things of course.

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