Tuesday 6 September 2022

138 xenoblade - daytime mingling in nopon village on 5f

Dear Readers,

More mingling with the Nopon in their village, this time on 5F during the day.

Gowago was a "Top-class butler" and he worked for Miss Sweetness. He was on 4F but I somehow missed him last time.

We looked around 5F and found the Archaeology Level and Archaeology Centre.

A Nopon was out on the balcony doing breathing exercises but was interrupted by pterix droppings. Yuck!

Leku was "Protective big brotherpon" and he was always uneasy about dinobeasts.

An adult Nopon was planning a picnic at Sparkling Pool with excited littlepons and they were giddy about what to have, all ingredients found in this area. 

Pachipa asked us if we knew her dadapon Gerugu as she was worried about him. She came up as "Head-strong boing-lover".

There was another Nopon that was on a platform out of reach. His house was there too. What a weird place to live. We couldn't reach out to talk to him.

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