Thursday 29 September 2022

161 xenoblade - stealing daring of the giants and saying eff you to the spiders

Dear Readers,

We took the Giants' Mirror and left the big spider behind without defeating it. We returned to the Exile Fortress in Satori Marsh.

We had to go all the way round to the entrance and through the actual fortress again. It was a slog like most of the game is and we fell off the ledge once, which was even more annoying, but it was very amusing to go through the throne room and see the lizard men Ignas again, only this time without their leader. They were all gathered around an empty throne and paid no attention to us now. It was a funny sight alright.

We got to the altar and used the mirror. This gave us the Daring of the Giants.

It also made another bunch of big spiders appear! Defied Queens this time. We ignored them just like the other big spider and jumped off the fortress roof. It looks like they won't appear again but I don't care anymore.

We went back to Kacha who thanked us for the quest. She said there was something else to this item we got but didn't say what it was. I guess we'll find out later.

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