Sunday 4 September 2022

136 xenoblade - nopon village mingling on 4f

Dear Readers,

Now for floor 4F of Nopon Village for more mingling during the day.

This floor had the Pollen Works and Riki's House on the other side. This time connected by a bridge, thankfully.

At the Pollen Works there was a Nopon running in the wheel. They wanted to stop but had to keep going. Yikes.

Gadada was overseeing them. He came up as "Fine pollen orb crafter" and he was very busy.

More Nopon were pumping things and loading and processing things. The things being pollen.

There was a Heart-to-heart here but it wasn't available.

Over at Riki's House had another Heart-to-heart with the same story. Not available.

Riki's House was pretty big. A Nopon around here said it was for the heropon. He didn't want to be heropon and when I asked why he said I'd figure that on my own. Probably a really dangerous and bad job.

At this point I got a power failure so I had to redo a lot of progress I lost... Dang. Time to review the last few posts.

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