Friday 23 September 2022

155 xenoblade - collecting nopon potion for zazadan

Dear Readers,

Zazadan still wasn't feeling very well. I suggested he go back to his people but he didn't feel well enough to move and disagreed strongly.

We indulged him further as he asked us to collect some Nopon Potion for him in the area of Lacus Swamp in Satori Marsh. We agreed to. He was nice enough to apologise to ask for so many things.

Curiously, the title of the quest was "It's All in the Mind". I thought that could've been the case alright. Let's see it out though.

We warped to the Nopon merchant camp and went to the cave to the south with the Vangs. At the end of the passage was the potion he was looking for. We took it back to him and he felt better.

He then had yet another quest for us. He asked us to dip a Red Pollen Orb into the Shining Pond in Satori Marsh. He said something amazing would appear. I wonder what it is... He gave us the orb after we agreed to it. We'll find out soon.

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