Thursday 15 September 2022

147 xenoblade - warping to colony 9 to make rono's mixer

Dear Readers,

I decided to go back to Colony 9 to make that thing the Nopon wanted for mixing sweets. On the way out, We met Nopon we hadn't met before. One of them wanted to lick a male Hom because she thought we would taste sweet. She said we were mean for not letting her. Haha.

Warping back to Colony 9 was a bit of an ordeal because I have to warp to the beginning of preceding areas and we've travelled quite a bit by this point. We eventually got to the weapon lab. We met a Nopon who was jealous we got to see Frontier Village.

We checked out the Heart-to-hearts as well. Riki featured in one of them back in Tephra Cave, but there were still many that were inaccessible. This means there are even more characters to meet and add to the party.

A Nopon merchant in Makna forest wanted us to defeat the Shimmering Forte near the Eks Watering Hole on a hot day. We agreed to do it.

We went back to the Nopon village and looked for Rono. I had to refer to the map for his location at the pollen works, his mission that told us he was there, and his affinity chart entry for the time he was available there. Whew. Exhausting.

We gave Rono his sweet mixer and he was delighted. He wanted to get started right away making sweets for Pepa.

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