Sunday 25 September 2022

157 xenoblade - delivering highmore caviar for zazadan

Dear Readers,

Zazadan was sad again. He wanted to give the Highmore Caviar to a Nopon named Dedeba but he didn't have a way to deliver it. We agreed to deliver it for him.

Interestingly, this was a timed quest. Doesn't that make earlier quests timed as well even though they're not labelled as such? In that case, I must spend more time doing older quests without progressing too much. Another thing to stress about with this game.

I warped clunkily to Nopon Village and went looking for Dedeba. Luckily I already blogged about where the heck he was in the village, which was on 2F at night. I looked that up in my own archive and found him there right away.

If I hadn't blogged about this before, I just wouldn't have been able to find him for ages. I would've had to look it up online out of boredom.

When I got to Dedeba, he was grumpy as well, complaining about how long he was waiting. He was surprised to see us delivering it. He was happy with the delivery, though he still shooed us away quickly.

A link appeared between him and Zazadan on the affinity chart labelled with "A Regular".

We warped back to Zazadan and he didn't have any more quests for us. Might just never come back. It's annoying having to warp and climb his hill each time when visiting him. Depends on quests to come I suppose.

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