Monday 26 September 2022

158 xenoblade - beating up every single lizard dude in the exile fortress

Dear Readers,

We hung around in Satori Marsh. I decided to do the quest about the Giant's Key. We went to the Dark Swamp to defeat 5 Deluded Ignas.

Finding them wasn't that fun, but fighting them was. They had their own chain attacks and everything. We were at a much higher level than them now so we clobbered them handily.

When they were done we found the Giants' Key nearby. This area was to the east of the Dark Swamp on a higher platform. We had to come in through a little cave/arch along the way on a path that ran alongside the Exile Fortress.

After that, we went into the fortress itself and beat up every single lizard dude thingy in there, including the Reckless Godwin. It took a small while but we beat them all handily enough. I aimed for the biggest one straight away, which may not have been the best idea but we were able to manage it with a couple of chain attacks.

Afterwards we found the Wall of Sin, that opened up to reveal a path to the altar we were looking for on the roof. We examined it and it seemed we needed an offering. We headed back to Kacha who rewarded us.

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