Tuesday 13 September 2022

145 xenoblade - riki joins the party!

Dear Readers,

Migaga was at the fountain and she had a quest for us.

She wanted us to help her with the mushroom clocks as they weren't telling the correct time and she felt too old to climb up all the steps to do it herself. Nopon wanted to know when snack time was. Reyn suggested eating when they felt hungry and she said no one would stop eating then and get really fat. Aw. We agreed to help.

She said Time Mushrooms were on the 1st, 4th and 7th floors. She gave us fertiliser which would fix them instantly, 3 compost. Migaga came up as being "in charge of sacred object."

We went upstairs to fix the first Time Mushroom. I put compost on it and it stopped shooting spores constantly. It'll only do it twice a day now.

We also got Riki's equipment from the armour and weapon shops. We asked him about how he became heropon and he said something about the chief's instincts in choosing him. Then he confessed he had a lot of debts in the village and he didn't mind being heropon. That explains it after all.

Riki then joined the party! His Arts had funny names like Happy Happy, Bitey Bitey and Play Dead. I read the new tutorial that came up about his one that's called Yoink! It's about stealing stuff. His other Arts were explained as character dialogue, some of them poison oriented that do damage over time.

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