Friday 16 September 2022

148 xenoblade - confronting the telethia

Dear Readers,

We went out into the forest from Frontier Village. We found that the Nopon had built a lovely network of bridges and shelters around the surrounding area! It was really nice.

We headed toward the story point about facing the Telethia and soon the bridges ended with regular ground. We crossed a shallow part of a stream and snuck past a huge Deinos Sauros that was LV98. Yikes.

In the direction of the story flag we began to see a massive ether deposit, where the Telethia was supposed to go to heal. We headed straight there.

A cutscene triggered where we saw that the environment had changed. We learned that the Telethia absorbs ether and changes the environment. Melia advised me about the Telethia, how it can read my mind so I should attack its antennae or something like that. Then she had some thoughts about the Monado and its abilities for this fight. Then, when the Telethia showed up and attacked she leaped into battle with her own ether abilities, which got the rest of the party chatting about her abilities. There was lots of expository dialogue here but I could only learn so much at once.

The battle started and it said Melia learned Mind Blast as a new art.

There was no way I was winning this straight away. I scouted details out first. The Telethia was LV36, same as us and I was there with Dunban and Reyn. Things got slow and laggy and lots of damage came and eventually wore us down to nothing. I'm gonna make a fresh start and scout this out a bit more next time.

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