Thursday 8 September 2022

140 xenoblade - daytime mingling in nopon village on 6f

Dear Readers,

6F of Nopon Village was pretty big and it had the Chief's Residence. We mingled during the day.

A littlepon was scared of getting chomped by baddies and there was a Nopon trying to put their fear at ease.

Behind them was the Shiny Ball that another Nopon lost. That quest is done! Yay!

Lalapa came up as "Village chief's aide" and took pride in this place being a peaceful place on the Bionis.

Pepa loved flowers and came up as "Loves cute things". She chirped about loving to smile at flowers and have them smile back. She also loved hugging flowers but they didn't hug back... Wow... very poetic!

Hoko came up as "Enthusiastic Nopon chef" and wanted to open his own restaurant. However, he didn't have enough room in the village. Maybe he could go to Colony 6! He then admitted that the other Nopon didn't like his cooking. Aw...

Two balconies to access here, one of them leading to 5F and the other leading to an even higher level. Whew...

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