Saturday 10 September 2022

142 xenoblade - daytime mingling on 7f of nopon village

Dear Readers,

On 7F of Nopon Village during the day, there was the story marker. We tried mingling as much as we could before going to it.

There was a part that led outside to the next story point and further upstairs was the Mysterious Sanctuary.

A Nopon said we were the first Homs in the village and suggested buying souvenirs. Some funny sounding ones he listed off.

Miko said she helped with prayers and she was the Village Auditor. The little hut here was pretty cute. This was where the village chief received prophecies and some Nopon didn't even know what to have for dinner until they got their prophecy. Wow...

There was another inaccessible Heart-to-heart point here.

There was another path that reached further beyond the hut and out to another balcony. Here there were two Nopon guarding the path to the lake in the sky. I was able to walk past, but I didn't bother for now.

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