Sunday 28 May 2017

1 arms - trying the first global testpunch

Dear Readers,

I tried out the first Global Testpunch for this new and upcoming game, just to try it out!

The control method I used was handheld mode.

The online lobby is like this bizarre petri dish kind of thing where your character's icon floats around until it gets matched off with other players.

I mainly used the toothpaste-haired guy and Ribbon Girl but I used Min Min and the ninja dude a couple of times as well.

Punches are about shooting your fists off with a mixture of aiming and hoping for the best. It's satisfying to hit, but very humiliating when you get hit and grappled.

I find the best matches are against just one other person. It turns into a confusing dust cloud when there are any more people there and the framerate drops with bigger crowds unfortunately.

The volleyball minigame is absolutely infuriating! I couldn't get used to it and every time a point is scored, the opposing team has to flop on the ground. When the other team keep scoring points, it's just you endlessly flopping on the ground. Argh!

So yeah it's fun to land a hit and win but very humiliating and infuriating to get hit and lose, particularly during volleyball.

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