Tuesday 16 May 2017

42 final fantasy explorers - return to amostra, online co-op with joseph, nova and terra

Dear Readers,

Joseph, Nova and I made our grand return to Amostra after not having played together since last summer! Terra joined in too after a while.

Quest 1: "Sordid SoirĂ©e: The Ultimate Feast"

We were pretty rusty! Nova even asked what the button was for running! I tried a different approach to camera controls, playing normal instead of inverted. Since last time I had been playing many games by developers that don't include an inverted option (grr) and I got used to the "normal" way to control the camera so I played it that way.

Anyway, this quest ended in a disconnect. This wasn't the game's fault — we were still trying to remember how to play!

Quest 2: "Eidolon Ambush Alpha"

Terra joined us this time, but they had connection problems and disconnected. We all then disconnected together and tried it again.

Quest 3: "Eidolon Ambush Alpha"

Terra disconnected again but we just carried on as we were already facing Ifrit at that stage. Not a bad one to ease us back into the swing of things! We encased him too and warped back to go after Shiva. We encased her too! We then went after Dryad and beat her with only a few minutes to spare. We were back in form! :) yay!

Quest 4: "Ultimate Otherworld Weapon Alpha"

I chose this one as I had a subquest quota to fill. It was the lowest level quest with this boss I chose but it was still a challenge! We beat it but I still have plenty more of these to fight in order to fill the quota. No disconnects this time so yay :)

Quest 5: "Her Majesty's Scorn"

Some funny banter between Terra and Nova with their custom made chat messages :) bringing the bantz! We had a good battle with Shiva that ended with an encasing.

Quest 6: "Blinding Bolt Of Judgment"

Terra changed jobs but forgot to equip other armour, so they were just wearing underwear, which looked funny :) Joseph changed jobs to Paladin and regretted it. We handled the battle very well otherwise and I didn't get KO'd once! Hooray!

Quest 7: "The Immortal Bird's Legend Ends"

This was Joseph's last quest as he was getting tired. It was a messy fiery battle! It was difficult to see what was going on at times but we beat it!

Quest 8: "The Ultimate Howl At The Moon"

Nova, Terra and I continued with this quest. Fenrir is always a challenge with its pouncing and cloning moves, but it made for another fun battle. We finished with a nice encasing too! :)

That was it for our session. It was good fun and a nice return for us :)

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