Wednesday 17 May 2017

44 epic dumpster bear - 4-4 too many axes and flamethrowers

Dear Readers,

Level 4-4 is known as "Fire Axe Challenge". Fire? Check. Axes? Check. Challenge? Check!

The game really is getting more difficult. Axes swing closer and there are lots of blow torches on this level. You need to crouch to avoid the axes; didn't really have a need for it before this.

The first red salmon coin you can see straight away. Easy to collect and you can get back onto a platform by wall jumping.

The blow torches are very tricky to avoid when you have the moving platforms to time as well.

The second red coin you can see but you have to time sliding down the wall before jumping to the moving platform. Start sliding as it's moving away and it'll be moving back as you're ready to jump. I also managed this by sliding down the right wall instead and holding right! Again though, you need to time it with the moving platform.

The third red coin you can see clearly and it's really easy to collect. Kinda strange! The others were more difficult!

Got 55 points on the target score on first try. Two bumpers circling this time. Yeesh.

Missed the target completely on second attempt... Tried to not go between the bumpers.

Third attempt and after many deaths, missed the target again :/ bumped to the left this time. Began to lose concentration because of having to go through all those freaking axes and blowtorches again. Why are they still here anyway? All the trees are gone!

Fourth attempt is where I nailed it :) 100 points! I got a sweet spot to the left of the bumpers and jumped at the chance when the target came and the bumpers moved away. Whew!

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