Tuesday 9 May 2017

37 epic dumpster bear - 3-6 auto scrolling tower castle

Dear Readers,

It's Desert Castle! This is an auto scrolling tower style stage. New challenge to outrun a fiery death!

Lots of cannonballs to deal with here.

First red salmon coin you have to be quick to collect. Jump to this platform it's on and turn back while also having to deal with a circling fireball.

Second red salmon coin is to the left of where the path splits. It's tempting to collect all the regular coins on the right path but the left is what leads to the red coin.

Third red coin is at the top of the left path of another split. You gotta bounce on a cannon ball to reach this path. Lots of wall jumping needed here and it doesn't look like there's any other way of collecting it. You gotta hurry too before the flames come up because the scrolling changes direction and when it does, it's too late to jump across!

I missed this red coin on my first successful run through this level and only got 86 points on the target, so I played it again. It's a short level but it feels long since it's an auto scrolling one!

It also feels more dramatic and the hazards seem even more dangerous. The music; the fading parts of the track in particular, made me think of Donkey Kong Country music. It does feel like a hard DKC game alright :)

On my second successful run I missed the coin again but got 95 points on the target.

Third successful run and I got the coin but still no more than 95 points.

Fourth successful run was indeed successful! Finally got the 100 points! Progressing bit by bit until the goal was reached!

For my trouble, I got a snake stamp as a reward! I made an Indiana Jones reference on Miiverse! I drew Dumpster Bear with Indy's hat and some snakes while saying "why did it have to be snakes" :)

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