Wednesday 31 August 2022

132 xenoblade - 2f of frontier village daytime chatting with nopon

Dear Readers,

Floor 2F of Frontier Village was made up of Orb Storage Level on the way up and the Pollen Orb Storehouse on the floor itself. We chatted with some more Nopon during the day.

A Nopon boasted about how bad it would be if you jumped down from the top of the village tree. He said he wouldn't stop us though.

Another Nopon said Homs were big but Nopon were stronger, so we had to be careful not to get bumped off the edge of a platform by accident. They made disclaimers of any accidents that Homs might have. Important thing to say I suppose but yeesh.

Another Nopon took pride in their people's carefree nature and cute faces. Another one talked about the pollen operated lift. Interesting.

Cherri came up as "Clumsy but avid crafter" and was worried about getting scolded by her boss.

Dobadoba I assume was her boss, yelling out orders. He came up as "Best pollen orb crafter".

A Nopon kid wanted to lift their mother to throw her into the pond below and the mother was encouraging this as they taught their young to be strong early in life. Hmm...

Tuesday 30 August 2022

131 xenoblade - nighttime mingling with nopon on floor 1f

Dear Readers,

Now for mingling with Nopon at night on 1F of the Nopon Village.

One of them was a bit of a night owl. My kinda guy.

A Nopon on the clock mushroom wanted to try 2 Cool Potatoes and we gave them to him. He loved them! My kinda guy!

He also said Nopon built high walkways like the one outside so they wouldn't get stepped on or eaten by bigger creatures. Good thinking.

Medi was looking for bargains and came up as "Up-and-coming doctor". He appeared after 9pm.

Gotta do these bit by bit. It's overwhelming to talk to everyone at once.

Monday 29 August 2022

130 xenoblade - nopon village 1f, daytime mingling

Dear Readers,

More mingling in Nopon village, this time on 1F, Kyn Shopping Street during the day.

Puko was talking shop and how busy he was. He came up as "Medi's exclusive supplier".

A Nopon wanted us to bash Breezy Zolos near Windmill Pavillion in Makna Forest. We agreed to it. This one also spoke of Nopon's limited flying abilities.

Two Nopon were standing in front of a mushroom shooting spores or something. They said they used this spore shooting as some kind of clock to tell them when mealtimes were. Interesting.

Another Nopon offered warrior advice. Don't forget gems and fight from a safe distance.

They were selling Homs weapons here too. Nice.

Minana came up as "Nopon maid" and spoke of a Nopon who had an unusual name that made others tease her and made her not want to go outside. Poor lady. Minana added that she was more worried about this one's appearance. 

Another Nopon villager talked about the torches using a concentrate form of pollen orb instead of actual fire that wouldn't burn but was still very hot. Good thinking, since they lived in a tree.

Sunday 28 August 2022

129 xenoblade - chatting with nopon around tree trunk at night

Dear Readers,

We chatted with more Nopon around the tree trunk and reservoir, but at night.

Adidi came up as "Madly in love" but wasn't interested in bugs.

There was a dad and an energetic child who liked asking lots of questions. Bless.

A Nopon had a bad dream about seeing Itmos Upas and wet the bed. We agreed to bash 3 of them for him. He had another bad dream about Wahpol Sardi so we agreed to bash 2 of them for him. To add to this, he dreamed about Venaes Nebula, so we agreed to bash that for him too.

Another Nopon was friends with a big Laeklit and said it was scared because of us. Aw. It was scary looking itself though.

Ababa said he loved bugs and we asked him if he'd be friends with Deki, but he said Deki was too stubborn. He came up as "bug-eating soldier" and said he'd be friends with Deki if we brought him a shield bug. He said he wanted to use the bug as an excuse to talk to Deki. We had to find 3 Shield Bugs for this in Makna Forest somewhere.

Deki really was a loner as we saw him go into his house at the far south east corner of this area. Poor guy. I'd like to make this friendship happen. Also must remember that this area can only be accessed if we climb a bit of the tree trunk first. One of the roots is too big and kind of walls off the area. It's very secluded.

Saturday 27 August 2022

128 xenoblade - chatting with nopon around tree trunk during daytime

Dear Readers,

More mingling with the Nopon villagers, this time near the reservoir and entrance to the village during the daytime.

A Nopon was play pretending to be an evil wizard and wanted 2 magic stones from Deinoses in Mekna Forest. We agreed to get them. We already had them so yay!

Below there was a gathering of Nopon. One of them wanted to eat Albatro but then realised it was food. We agreed to bash Agile Albatro near Bridge Three in Makna Forest. This one was a little confused and thought we were food at one stage too.

This area below the tree was much bigger than I realised. We chatted with many Nopon about random things.

Deki was a "Bug-loving grampypon" and he preferred his own company.

Another Nopon was in training and wanted to eat 2 Pure Cherries as part of their routine. We agreed to find them. We had them, so they were happy!

Kokora had a quest for us. It was regarding their grampypon Deki, who didn't have any friends except bugs. I agreed to find a friend for him who loved bugs as well.

Norara came up as "Thoughtful researcher" and they were interested in bugs but only as medicine.

It's very hard to spot all the Nopon among the scenery and this is during the day.

Friday 26 August 2022

127 xenoblade - daytime nopon in the kitchen underground

Dear Readers,

We chatted with the kitchen Nopon during the day.

One of them was singing to the food to preserve it. Strange.

One of them asked us what we ate to get so big. They never saw a Hom I suppose.

An old Nopon named Yusa was the Frontier Village Doctor and he had bad knees.

Npa was in charge of village food and trusted Yusa's ability, even though there was a young doctor as well. Yusa didn't seem to think much of the younger doctor.

Many Nopon were enjoying the water and talking about food, which was nice.

A mother and child Nopon were talking about how expensive it was because the little one ate so much.

We went out to the reservoir and it seemed safe after all. We collected an Empress Beetle which gave me a vision of Reyn collecting three of them to help out the guys in Colony 6.

There was a path that led back to the entrance and plaza. We met Kokora, a littlepon who loved her grampypon. Whew.

I'm getting worn out mingling with these guys. More next time.

Thursday 25 August 2022

126 xenoblade - nopon kitchen underground at night

Dear Readers,

We went down into the kitchen underground storage area of the Nopon Village at night.

There was a Nopon who was trying to escape Tati's singing and was worried they would ruin the food. Hmm...

There was a little stream down here and one Nopon wanted to catch a fishy for themselves.

Another Nopon lost their shiny ball and asked us to find it somewhere in the village. We said we would.

We met Tati and he had a cough. He came up on the chart as "Musical chef".

We met a Nopon whose specific job was sitting on lids to close them.

One Nopon was guarding where the water was exiting the area as a protective measure. Seemed too big for a Hom to get swept away though.

Another Nopon complained of barrels being stored too high. She said it would go kaboom if left too long.

We then followed the stream in the other direction and found it led to a reservoir outside. We didn't explore more here though as it was night.

Wednesday 24 August 2022

125 xenoblade - mingling with nopon in central plaza at night

Dear Readers,

We mingled into the night with the Nopon and more of them came out.

Bana was discussing a crisis in the village with others where Nopon were leaving and not coming back. He came up on the chart as "Considerate of the village".

A Nopon was selling nighttime snacks.

A mother and father Nopon were watching their little Nopon from the other side of the pond practising fight moves. The father thought of the little one as a delinquent but the mother thought it was good for the littlepon (I'm talking like them now yeesh) to practise this stuff because they studied all day.

A Nopon named Pokapoka came up on the chart as "Frontier Village gourmet" except his icon was way over in the Colony 9 area for some reason. His dream was to eat food from all over.

A Nopon next to him had a quest for us. Their job was to clean pollen orb lamps but their face gets all irritated with pollen, so they asked us to get 5 Fancy Orluga Masks from Orlugas in Makna Forest. We agreed to find them.

Kofuko was very hungry for some mushrooms, but was too old now to eat the harder ones. He wanted softer ones and we agreed to get 5 Kelp Mushrooms for him. he came up on the chart as "Mushroom fanatic". Pity his teeth can only manage softer ones now.

One of the Nopon makes a squeaky noise that sounds like "Who are you", which is both cute and strange.

Tuesday 23 August 2022

124 xenoblade - mingling with daytime nopon in central plaza

Dear Readers,

We walked around Frontier Village, chatting with the Nopon.

One of them mentioned a Heropon, someone who does quests for them I suppose.

A young Nopon was practising to become a shopkeeper someday by playing pretend. That's cute.

There was a Grannypon shopping for food with their littlepon's littlepon. She spoke of dinobeasts appearing in Makna now. I've seen some of them.

One Nopon told us about the sparkly thing above the altar and if you touched it then someone named Migaga would get angry. Apparently that thing keeps the Nopon safe.

A young Nopon named Pipki was practising his bounce so he could reach his friend's house. Must be tough living in a tree. He came up on the affinity chart as "Curious scaredy-cat".

Another Nopon was selling stuff and wanted to get pollen from Yellow Flower Grove, but couldn't because of the dinobeasts.

A doorway led somewhere. A Nopon told us it was for the kitchen where they preserved food by pickling. He said there was a breeze here that cooled the sweat on you too. Sounds nice. Will explore later.

Some more Nopon around the area talked about how they delivered food to Colony 9 and they use shortcuts because they're so small. They have a big network of food transportation.

Okay, that's just one floor explored and I notice more characters emerging in the evening...

Monday 22 August 2022

123 xenoblade - meeting the nopon at frontier village

Dear Readers,

We arrived at the Nopon village called Frontier Village. They welcomed us with open arms.

They gathered around us and chattered with their funny cute voices and speech patterns. Cute little plushie fellows... it was pretty entertaining to hear their voiced dialogue at last.

Melia asked to speak with the leader, Dunga and they were happy to help. They knew her already and called her "bird lady". She said she wanted us to have safe passage to where we were going and she herself had unfinished business in this region.

We wondered what was going on with Melia as she went on ahead. I said I'd talk to her.

We found ourselves at the Central Plaza at the Sacred Altar. At a glance I saw a Nopon who already had a quest for us. I opened the map and saw this place was made up of many many floors! Up to 8F and down to B1F! This village was all part of a massive tree so that made sense. It also explains how they could be safe from those huge monsters outside.

That Nopon with the quest wanted us to beat up 3 of those scary looking Terra Orlugas as revenge for stepping on him. Great... just great. We accepted the quest. He warned us about the sharp spikes on their arms. He also wanted revenge on 2 Ammos Orlugas for throwing him off their backs. Yeesh. We accepted anyway. He wanted us to tell him how cute he was. Cute on the outside certainly but... He also wanted revenge on 3 Arena Orlugas for squirting ink at him when he tried to draw nice things on their skin.

Whew... I'm going to need a fresh start of a day to mingle with these guys. Before I saved I spoke with the chief, Dunga, who was in the middle of the sacred altar with a glowing orb thingy floating above the water. He said Melia went to the diving board up the top and had a very strong look of determination on her face. We'll catch up with her soon.

Sunday 21 August 2022

122 xenoblade - the dangerous jungle path to nopon village

Dear Readers,

We continued along the dense but very pretty jungle path, coming across and defeating enemies for quests. The quadwings here are a lot bigger than the ones back at the marsh.

We collected a kelp mushroom and I got a vision of Sharla saying we finally got all 8 of them for Kotuko. For a quest no doubt.

We continued on the path until we got to the Twisted Tree Gate. It was hard to see much at night though.

The enemies we could deal with handily but they did hit hard. Had to use my future abilities now and again. I didn't want to explore much because it was dark and dangerous.

We met a Nopon who advised us to use the little bridge instead of walking on the ground and making noise that would alert the baddies.

We saw these terrifying titanic creatures called Terra Orluga below while using this bridge. Big hunchback dudes with scary faces. We also saw this huge dinosaur thing called Laeklit Mammut and it was a very high level. We're staying well off the ground away from these things.

We kept going and finally reached the Nopon Village Entrance! Yay!

Saturday 20 August 2022

121 xenoblade - lady melia joins the party

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I made it back to the others with the crystals. Sharla used them for something to shoot out of her ether rifle into the sky. The particles from the shot got absorbed by the injured young lady's body and she got better.

The young lady opened her eyes and saw me asking if she was alright. She got startled and slapped me. She quickly apologised though. She introduced herself as Lady Melia.

Melia had a posh accent and wouldn't discuss why she was here or what she was doing with common folk like us. We had no trouble sharing anything with her though. We told her we were going to the Bionis head. She said she would join us. I was delighted. Sharla and Reyn found her a bit much though.

When she joined I got a tutorial about Spike abilities. From here on, new enemies can deal damage and inflict debuffs automatically. There are counter spikes, down spikes and close spikes detailed here. I can neutralise spikes by using my new purge ability or with a spike defence gem equipped. Counter spikes can be neutralised by inflicting topple. Whew. More mechanics introduced.

With the new party member Melia, I got a dialogue tutorial about her abilities. She has something called Elemental Discharge and can use this without worrying about the talent gauge if she has an elemental summoned. If they're filled though, they're more powerful and she goes into a burst state. Dunban and Sharla are in this dialogue too as if they're trying to make sense of her abilities. I'll learn more about them in practice soon. Not sure if I'll use her yet. We'll see.

Friday 19 August 2022

120 xenoblade - learning purge and meeting alvis

Dear Readers,

We saw a young woman collapsed on the path ahead of us. I recognised her from one of my visions but it wasn't clear. We had to help her now.

Sharla found that she was suffering from ether deficiency and we needed water crystals. I said I'd go while everyone looked after her.

This was the same one who was fighting that huge three-headed creature in that cutscene when we entered this area.

I was now on my own to look for Water Ether Crystals.

I saw them on the map near where I met the Nopon. I warped there and saw a path I didn't see before going all the way down to the lake shore below. I took a shortcut and jumped down all the way into the water. I then swam to the shore and towards the water crystal.

A mysterious Homs appeared. He introduced himself as Alvis and I recognised him from one of my visions. He knew my name and my ability to see the future. He was being all mysterious when creatures called Telethia attacked from the sky. He said they could detect the Monado.

I tried to use my abilities to attack but it was no use. Alvis said they could read my mind. The Monado was knocked from my hand and he picked it up. A different symbol appeared on it. He used his own ability and cut it down.

A battle followed with more of them and Alvis joined. I learned a new art called Purge. A tutorial appeared explaining that I could use it to stop the Telethia from glowing with an aura to read my mind.

We won the battle handily and got a chain attack in too. I wasn't sure if purge was working but I used it anyway.

Alvis continued being mysterious and sensed the primary Telethia was wounded somewhere, whatever that meant. I had so many questions for him about the Monado.

Reyn appeared on the path, looking for me. I was going to introduce him to Alvis, but he disappeared all mysteriously. Reyn laughed when I told him about Alvis and my new purge ability. He reckoned I took a nap or something.

With the crystals we needed, we headed back to the others and the injured lady.

Thursday 18 August 2022

119 xenoblade - crossing the bridge to makna forest

Dear Readers,

We emerged outside on the Makna Path. We continued until it opened out into Makna Forest. Dunban said this must be the back of the Bionis and we still had a long way to go. There was a dense forest ahead and Reyn complained about the heat. There was a bridge here made by Nopons and we decided to find their village.

A cutscene also played where three people with wings on their heads were fighting a huge three-headed monster. The lady seemed like she was their leader and she refused to leave them fight alone. The fight did not go well.

Just before the bridge we found some Nopon! They were delighted to meet us and told us we'd be very popular in their village! How welcoming of them! Homs were a rare sight here.

One of the Nopons had quests for us. We agreed to defeat 5 Jungle Quadwings in Makna Forest for him. He also wanted us to defeat 2 Makna Feris, 2 red bird Makna Ansels, 3 Makna Eks. This would help him make the passage home.

We crossed the big long bridge and deeper into the jungle. The flora was dense but the beaten path was clear at least. It was starting to look like Jurassic Park with all the huge creatures. Even the brogs were huge! We beat up the Makna Feris for the quest.

Wednesday 17 August 2022

118 xenoblade - the third lung of the bionis

Dear Readers,

We continued and found ourselves inside a really strange place with glowing green thingies around. Dunban supposed we were inside the Bionis. I wondered if the Bionis was actually still alive.

We continued through the corridor until it opened into a wider area called the Third Lung. There were lots of growing glowing green thingies and pillars around. It all looked very alien.

At the other end of the third lung was a big pool of water with a part that gushed upwards. There was a Nopon here who was surprised to see us. He told us to use the gushing water to go up as it was the only way. He wasn't brave enough to do it himself.

We tried the gushing water and we shot up into the Upper Trachea. We passed through here and then a cutscene played.

In this cutscene, some mechon flew overhead. Then it showed a mechon being either healed or created or something. A lady's voice was speaking as this work was going on. She saw some damage and wondered what kind of weapon would be capable of doing this. She mentioned something about some kind of soul process but it wasn't clear. She mentioned a new age for Mechonis.

Names were uttered but I didn't memorise them. No doubt they'll come up again as the plot thickens.

Tuesday 16 August 2022

117 xenoblade - climbing the sororal statues

Dear Readers,

A staircase appeared before us along with a lift of some kind. It didn't work however.

I said let's find somewhere we can climb up. It was kind of weird though. When I looked at the ancient insignia it said it appeared to be sealed. This puzzle wasn't over yet.

We explored the platform more and found a climbable vine conveniently growing inside a groove in the wall. There wasn't one on the other side when we checked there.

We climbed to the top and found the last wool rock for Bokoko.

The climb continued with many interesting paths and gaps to get past. There was a really strong flying enemy around too that we had to avoid.

When we got to the top, I asked Dunban if I could use the Monado a bit longer, as it was his sword. He laughed and told me the sword was mine and I was more skilled at using it than he ever was. He had a new sword to work with and was happy with that. He told me to believe in myself as a Hom and never give up against the metal monsters.

A warp point was set here so we went back to Bokoko at the merchant camp and gave him all the stuff he needed. This warp point was also where the lift would come to if it was working. Maybe we'll get it to work later.

Monday 15 August 2022

116 xenoblade - defeating the satori guardian

Dear Readers,

We went into Igna territory to get the blue radiant for the ceremony. Guarding it was a big Igna called Aggressive Cornelius, which was pretty funny. We were able to deal with it handily and we grabbed this final radiant.

We went to the ceremony place and filled in the map a bit. Then we presented the offerings and we were faced with the Satori Guardian. It was some kind of bird creature thing and it was LV28. It had some good strong attacks and was strong against some of our attacks. We just had to stick to it and we defeated it without too much trouble.

The Nopon Merchant here told us Makna Forest was up ahead and the Nopon village was there too. 

Sunday 14 August 2022

115 xenoblade - discussing the shimmering swamp with dunban

Dear Readers,

Not much else to do but proceed to Satori Marsh.

We discovered the Basin Cave west of the place of offering. In there we found the White Radiant.

At Zaldania Waterfall, we beat up the big enemy that defeated us last time we were there. We could now access the Heart-to-heart without getting killed. This was between me and Dunban and it was for nighttime.

Hooray! The first heart-to-heart in ages! I set the time to night and had a look.

Dunban and I talked about how beautiful this place was and how it shimmered at night. He had never been here before. I told him I had seen this when I was very little.

He had the choice to say whether it was maybe a dream or that it was interesting. I chose the interesting one for him and it was the right answer. I said it was at the ruins where I and the Monado were found. The same shimmering effect happens there at night from glowing ether.

I said I didn't remember much else from back then because I lost consciousness.

Dunban said ether was an incredible thing. He had the choice to ask if it would ever run out or say it couldn't be good for us. I chose for him to ask if it would ever run out and that was the right answer too. I said that was a great question and wondered that myself. He said great minds thought alike. He asked me what I thought.

I said I couldn't draw any firm conclusions but I knew ether wasn't unlimited and supposed it wouldn't last forever. Dunban said we probably didn't have to worry about it in our lifetime. I agreed but also said we should still try to find another energy source as we couldn't rely on ether being there all the time.

Dunban said it will be a shame when the natural beauty goes. I agreed, whether it'll be in a hundred or a thousand years.

This Heart-to-heart went so smoothly I got the Heartwarming achievement. Woohoo!

Saturday 13 August 2022

114 xenoblade - reconstructing colony 6 to level 1

Dear Readers,

I decided to set reconstruct everything in Colony 6 to level 1. I needed an Aqua Nebula drop to do it though. They come out at night and they take a while to defeat, even at our high level. We went out and got it.

We talked to Juju and reconstructed everything to level 1. Doing this brought back the street lights as a bonus. I also got an Ultra Small Reactor as a present! Woo!

We warped all the way back to Colony 9 and gave the gem man his contraption. He made it into a Mobile Furnace and gave it to us to make gems whenever we wanted. He added that it would be nice if we still paid him a visit to say hi. Aw. Sure thing!

I walked around Colony 6 a bit and it didn't change all that much except for 1 shopkeeper. That gem crafting anywhere will come in handy though.

I looked at the requirements for level 2. I couldn't fulfill any of them right now. I will later.

Friday 12 August 2022

113 xenoblade - trying out gem crafting finally

Dear Readers,

I finally tried out the gem crafting, since I was becoming over encumbered with materials.

I stumbled through the menus and just watched the characters as they worked the machine, yelling lines of affirmation to each other. The process was mostly automated with me only deciding what to use. I wasn't sure where I was full up with materials so I kind of chose random ones.

I got a few achievements about crafting. I looked them up and saw some achievements yet to be attained involving Fiora, which means she's still alive. Is that a spoiler? Ah well... I don't really care about spoilers anyway.

Thursday 11 August 2022

112 xenoblade - swatting a bug for jackson

Dear Readers,

Jackson had another quest for us helping with his new job. He said Kenny Rohan asked him to get rid of a bug that's been annoying him. It was last seen around Kneecap Hill on the other side of Tephra Cave. We agreed to defeat the Dim Wisp for him.

We found the place and found the bug at night. It was pretty easy to deal with too.

Jackson was happy with us and said he'd make some art for us someday. He also said Kenny Rohan encouraged him to write a novel about the sky and he would illustrate it. Nice that it's working out.

I decided to see what the loan shark was up to but there was nothing else to his story, at least not right now. That's a good thing at least.

Wednesday 10 August 2022

111 xenoblade - a job for jackson

Dear Readers,

We caught up with Jackson in Colony 9. He was in his usual tucked out of the way place. He had a quest for us.

He said his daughter told him he wouldn't have much of a future if he stayed staring at the sky all day. He didn't know what to do though and said he wasn't good for anything else. He asked us to find a job for him and we agreed to. He was happy and very willing. He added that he used to want to be a cook or an artist, but ended up being a sky observer.

Kenny Rohan was only too happy to help us. In return he asked us to exterminate the Tephra Lizards at Vilia Lake in Tephra Cave. He added context by saying it would clear a path for Jackson for when he wants to see more of the sky in the future. We can only see so much of it in Colony 9. 

The lizards were only LV8 so we beat them very quickly. Kenny Rohan agreed to take Jackson under his wing and make him into the best "sky artist". He asked us to tell him that and that his heart was boundless like the very sky itself.

Jackson was delighted to turn his hobby into his job and he was now going to be painting the sky for Kenny Rohan. Hooray! I'm glad he's not going to end up being miserable or as a slave.

Tuesday 9 August 2022

110 xenoblade - bringing the lake light back for the people

Dear Readers,

Kenny Rohan had another mission for us about the light. He was interested in fixing this light in the lake for the pleasure of the people who found comfort in its glow.

He gave us a quest to decide if we wanted to mend the lamp or throw his ether cylinder in the lake. The idea was that this light was bringing comfort to people during these tough times and he told us to decide whether to bring back the light or not.

He said if we wanted to do nothing, then we were to throw the ether cylinder he gave us off the bridge. If we wanted to do something, then we were to go see Arnaut and ask him how to fix it.

It was one of those decision missions. I thought it'd be nice to fix it, so we went to find Arnaut at the entrance of the military district at night. He said we needed an Ether Cylinder and two Krabble Fixed Parts from Junk Krabbles in the Ether Mine.

We warped all the way there and it took ages to make the Junk Krabbles drop what we wanted. There were only a few of them there too in that little maze of caves so we had to warp to the Drainage Control Room to respawn them again and again.

We eventually got what we needed, so we warped back to Colony 9. Arnaut did the job, which gave him food for thought. Then we went back to Kenny Rohan to tell him. He was happy we made that decision and told us at the very least it wasn't incorrect. People needed this mysterious light to get through these tough times.

I went to see the light and it was nice. It was really nice to speak to the people who gather to look at it too. They said it soothes their emotional pain and the Nopon even said it was the spirit of his girlfriend. Aw... what a nice thing...

Monday 8 August 2022

109 xenoblade - gathering information about the mysterious lake light

Dear Readers,

I recall Rosemary from Colony 9 wanted a change of scene, so we went back there to look for her. She wasn't hanging around with her singing boyfriend though. We went to look for her. 

At least, I think it was Rosemary. It's hard to tell everyone apart.

We met Kenny Rohan who had a quest for us! He said the mysterious light that appeared in the lake near the residential district was now gone! He wanted us to ask around and find out why. We accepted the quest.

We then found Rosemary with the usual singing guy and she was still the same way. I suppose we need to develop Colony 6 more.

The residents who used to look at the mysterious light were still there, but now they were lamenting the loss of it.

Suzanna said to ask Francoise and she said it looked like a glowing fish calling for its mate. She said Dionysis saw it too.

We asked Dionysis and he revealed that it was indeed a firefly fish that goes into the lake once in a millennium.

We went back to Kenny and he concluded it wasn't real and it must've been an ether lamp that fell in the water and stayed lit until it burned out. Hmm...

Sunday 7 August 2022

108 xenoblade - finishing daza's quests

Dear Readers,

It finally started thundering and raining in Colony 6, which made Water Upas appear, which meant we could finish Daza's quest. It was easy.

He had another one for us. He wanted to send a letter to Gerugu on Bionis' Leg and he trusted us more than anyone in the whole wide world. Aw that's nice. We accepted the quest.

We brought the letter to Gerugu at the Traveller's Rest, who responded with a letter of his own for us to deliver back to Daza. They both said this correspondence was top secret and vital, so we did it as fast as we could without any security break.

We brought the reply letter to Daza who thanked us. He revealed little, except the fact that they were investigating something red. Not sure what that is, but their affinity on the chart came up as companions.

Saturday 6 August 2022

107 xenoblade - gathering gorman's rock

Dear Readers,

We went to Spiral Valley to find Gorman's rock, but first we had to find the spot where he cleared the way with dynamite so we could get past the huge enemy.

We had to go through Windy valley to reach the bottom of the spiral. We could've just dropped down there I suppose. It would've saved me from being killed by high level Arachnos at least.

We did find the passage that Gorman created and we managed to sneak past the huge baddie to keep climbing the spiral to the top. We then found Gorman's special blessed rock thing. We brought it back to him and he was delighted and the people found that the land was blessed. Hopefully things will keep going well.

Gorman then talked about how he was living with Arda again, even though they divorced previously.

Friday 5 August 2022

106 xenoblade - finding everything except nikita

Dear Readers,

I decided to look for Nikita. Poor kid was on my mind since that girl sent him into the mine to compete with his other friend. Kids huh. What are you gonna do.

While there, we found the mushroom cap from another mission in Otharon's room.

We came across the huge bat that killed us earlier. The chests from the other enemies were still here too. We were strong enough to beat them all now. Also, we ran out of inventory space! I need to start managing this stuff...

We also couldn't access the larger part of the mine because it was all blocked off. We couldn't even fast travel there. How were we supposed to find Nikita now?

We found the rest of Gorman's dynamite and gave it to him. The screen faded black for a moment and then he said he blasted open a new route in Spiral Valley so we could sneak past the big monster that was there.

We gave the mushroom cap to Satata and he was happy. He had another quest for us to take half of the cap to lay on his brother's grave. He said to go to Makna Forest to the Great Falls and throw it into them, as it was a Nopon custom. We had to find a place where a panoramic view of them could be seen. We accepted.

It's no use. I'll have to look for Nikita later. At least the mission isn't time sensitive.

Thursday 4 August 2022

105 xenoblade - ewan's courage quest

Dear Readers,

Ewan finished his love novel for Matryona, but he didn't have the courage to hand it over. He wanted us to take him on an adventure to gain some courage and we agreed to protect him.

We had to go toward either the mine or the marsh and protect him from harm.

We went to the mine and met Kiroki from Anna's quest in the Drainage Control Room. He won this time in his challenge with Nikita and headed back to the colony. Now we had to find Nikita.

We found 1 dynamite from another quest we had in the tunnels before finding Elegant Marin in Glowmoss Lake, another secret area just off Test Pit 2. Defeating it fulfilled Ewan's quest. He was standing nearby and thanked us. We mined some water crystal and warped back.

Ewan seemed to be more focused on helping the colony now. He wasn't mentioning Matryona anymore.

I was a bit worried but then Matryona had a quest. She wanted to paint a picture for Ewan to match his love writing. She needed materials so she asked us for a lake drop from the Bionis' Leg or a Nasty Weed from Satori Marsh. It turned out she hadn't given him her answer yet. She wanted to do it in the form of a painting.

We already had the lake drop so we gave it to her. It seemed like the nicer ingredient and hopefully a nice answer. She finished the painting and asked us to give it to Ewan. She said it represented her feelings for him.

We gave the painting to him and he loved it! He said he could feel its warmth and kindness exploding from the canvas. He asked us to tell Matryona and we did. it brought them together, made their affinity deepen to "likes" and made us level up! Hooray!

Ewan talked about doing his bit for the Colony and Matryona wished everyone could see he was a good man like she could. Aw!

Wednesday 3 August 2022

104 xenoblade - ewan's love quest

Dear Readers,

We spoke to Juju and increased the level of housing to 1. This made a dramatic effect on the area with new buildings and stairs and everything. Some new people moved in too. I wasn't sure what to do to increase the general level of the colony to 1 so I just picked this. I was going for the gem man's quest.

New NPCs talked about Fossil Monkeys and streetlights. A bit to go yet.

I spoke to Anna about love and she said it was about when you give someone a present. Hmm...

I spoke to Satata about love and he kept quiet about his loves but advised to follow your heart and have no regrets because lonely old people were lonely for a reason. Interesting.

I relayed all this advice back to Ewan and he was thankful. He then decided to use this new confidence to woo Matryona!

Tuesday 2 August 2022

103 xenoblade - nighttime mingling in colony 6 during restoration

Dear Readers,

Sunset came along in Colony 6 and more people emerged from Restoration HQ. We chatted with them. Some of the daytime people went back inside.

Ewan was troubled with writer's block for his next book. He wanted us to ask other residents about love for a love story. He was hesitant in asking but he managed it. We agreed to ask people about it, people in love like married couples and so on. We had a list of people to ask: An old Nopon inventor, a Homs lady who understands medicine, a stubborn old Homs man, a haughty young Homs girl. Sounds like local people alright.

Red exclamations appeared over people's heads. I asked Olga about her marriage. She said she was happy to marry someone strong and confident. In her opinion it was all about someone's good points. She told us her husband was the best confectioner in the old colony. This satisfied the medicine lady condition.

Olga had a mission of her own for us. She wanted to start up a chemist's and was in need of remedies. She needed Chewy Radish, two Red Durians and a Sirius Anemone for her all-purpose medicine. It just so happened we had them all!

We asked Gorman about his love life. He gave a long story about going for a walk with a girl to a field, but there was a screen transition that skipped it all, showing we weren't really listening! He was the stubborn old man we needed. I thought maybe it was Otharon for a second.

Gorman also had an idea for the restoration. He wanted to perform a ceremony for the Bionis and we agreed to find a Divine Rock for him. This was after he nattered like a grumpy old man at us and Reyn was getting impatient! He said it was just something that old people did. Bless! He said to grab 3 sticks of Dynamite from the mine to help deal with the monster that was in the way of the rock he wanted from Spiral Valley. We agreed to find the dynamite too.

More problem solving to come...

Monday 1 August 2022

102 xenoblade - daytime mingling in colony 6 during restoration

Dear Readers,

We started mingling in Colony 6 to get the restoration started. I was able to talk to Juju to start developing and increasing levels of this place. I read through his hints and it was all pretty interesting.

The first thing we did was pretty much fall into the water. Then we wandered around the place. It was just a great big empty lot with rubble and uneven ground all around. This place was much smaller than Colony 9, unless there are other districts around.

Nikita said he felt good to be back home but wondered if he was safe.

Anna said Olga was very nice to her. This established a link between them on the chart with "mother's friend" on it. She said Nikita and Kiroki were going to fight a monster in the Ether Mine and they were being sent by herself. Uh-oh. This gave me a vision of Kiroki saying Nikita ran too slow and would get eaten by a monster if he didn't hurry. Nikita then called out for Kiroki, saying not to leave him. It only dawned on her the monster could fight back. We took on the quest to get them to safety.

Kinda funny how I was just talking to Nikita right before Anna. He's not here now.

Otharon was happy to see people back and encouraged us to keep helping.

Satata asked us to help find his brother's keepsake. Unfortunately, he was killed in the Mechon attack, but the keepsake could be in the room Otharon hid in at the mine. We agreed to find his brother's Mushroom Cap.

Pama said everyone was looking out for him. He wanted to become a jack of all trades when he grows up so he could repay the favour to all his kind friends. Aw.

Arda was more than delighted to be back from the refugee camp. What she really wanted was there to be a couple of restaurants competing with each other for customers so the food would get better and better. She also felt a bit useless in the restoration effort but was happy to entertain people with stories.

People were going in and out of the Restoration HQ building but we couldn't go in there ourselves. We waited for more mingling with other people...